- He was not vain, but he was quietly proud of his literary achievements. 他并不自负,但暗地里却为自己取得的文学成就而得意。
- Milton’s literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the great poem. 弥尔顿的文学作品可分为三类:早期诗作,中期的散文小册子和后期的伟大诗作。
- Milton's literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the great poem. 弥尔顿的文学作品可分为三类:早期诗作,中期的散文小册子和后期的伟大诗作。
- The first part is an introduction to a sketch of the Woman Question in history and the literary achievements of Eliot and Cather in woman literature. 第一部分是引言,简介历史上的妇女问题和艾略特及凯瑟在妇女文学史中所获得的成就。
- Chapter I provides a brief account of Lawrence’s life and works, and comments on his literary achievements and on his pantheistic view of nature. 第一章简要介绍劳伦斯的生平、写作生涯和文学界对他的研究现状。
- Ms Showalter instead treads a careful line, seeking primarily to appreciate their literary achievements in the cultural context of their times. 肖沃尔特则小心行事,她主要以作者所处的文化背景对其文学成就作出评价。
- Li Deyu's political essays stem from actual need, which are of not only strong political practicality, bur quite high literary achievements. 李德裕的政治应用文多是出于实际需要而作,不仅具有很强的政治实用性,而且取得了相当高的文学成就。
- Part one is a general introduction to Pinter’s literary achievements, critical responses to his works, the purpose and relevant theories of the thesis. 引言部分介绍了剧作家的文学成就、国内外研究现状、本文的目的和涉及的相关理论。
- The study of Hu Feng's literary theory should be conducted in the original historical context, avoiding overstating or understating his literary achievements in following a certain academic tendency. 摘要本文认为胡风文艺思想研究应回到历史的原初语境,避免随一时潮流而将其文艺思想拔高或贬低的倾向。
- It surveys the forcing action of demotion to Ouyang Xiu"s landscape literary writings with rational sight, opening out the profound infection of Ouyang Xiu"s landscape literary achievements. 第四部分跳出文本,以理性的目光审视“贬谪”这一人生经历对欧阳修的山水文学创作所起的推动作用,揭示欧阳修取得山水文学成就的深刻原因。
- Literary Achievements of the Royal 汉代皇族
- Madame Cai Lishuang's Literary Achievement 蔡丽双文学之路论评
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- The woman always disparages my achievements. 那个女人常贬低我的成就。
- He does not plume himself on these achievements. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- We must not be complacent about our achievements. 我们决不能满足于自己的成绩。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。
- I marvel at his tremendous achievements. 对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹。
- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。