- What is the literal meaning of the word? 这个字的原义是什么?
- literal meaning rule 文义解释
- What is the literal meaning of this word? 这个词的字面意思是什么?
- Don't stop at the literal meaning of the word. 不要停留在这个字的表面意义上。
- What's the literal meaning of this word? 这个词的字面含义是什么?
- The emergency signal SOS has no literal meaning. 呼救信号SOS在字面上没有任何意义。
- The literal meaning of the word "cat" is an animal. “猫”一词的本义是动物。
- The literal meaning of 'Geodesy'is 'Dividing the Earth'. “大地测量学”的字面意义是“划分地球”。
- Does the literal meaning of a particular word or phrase apply here? 某个单词或短语的原义在此合适吗?
- That's lucky. Because its literal meaning creates rather an unpleasant image! 这样不错啊。因為它的字面意思确实不能带给人们什麼美好的景象!
- Quality, on literal meaning, is personal immanent steady cultivation. 质量,字面意思,是个人的内在稳定种植。
- The implicit meaning of a numeral is in essence a cultural departure from the original literal meaning. 这种虚指意义实质上是一种脱离数词本义的文化意义。
- The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. 反语用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法
- Shanghai is the literal meaning of "located on the sea." He Yangtze River flows into the sea at a tributary of the ... 上海的字面意思是"位于海之上".他位于长江流入大海前最后一条支流的黄埔江畔.城市...
- Box Typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame. 印刷字体学的术语。指用线作框把字体围绕。
- On the basis of literal meaning, the meaning of ABAC, as a whole, is summarized, extended and abstracted. ABAC的整体含义在构成成分意义的基础上有概括、引申、抽象。
- Box: typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame. 线框:印刷字体学的术语。指用线作框把字体围绕。
- Due to the degree of metaphoricity, there exists a continuum from literal meaning to nonliteral meaning. 由于语言的隐喻性及隐喻性程度(约定俗成度)不一样,话语的意义是从直接意义到间接意义的连续体。
- They are the principle of suitable literal meaning and the principle of habitual use and easy comprehensibility. 本文著重分析其中的两项原则,即“字义贴切的原则”和“习用易晓的原则”。
- The word 'planet' literally means 'wandering body'. planet 一词字面上的意思是 wandering body。