- I work for an IT company as does my husband. 和我丈夫一样,我也在一家IT公司上班。
- Virtue would not go far if vanity did not keep it company. 如果没有虚荣心陪伴,德行就不会有多大的成就。
- Virtue will not go far if vanity do not keep it company. 如果没有虚荣心陪伴,德行就不会有多大的成就。
- listed IT company 信息技术类上市公司
- I was the boss of an IT company before it went bankrupt. 我曾是一家IT公司的老板,后来公司破产了。
- We have underlet part of our office to an IT company. 我们将我们办公室的一部分转租给一家信息技术公司。
- Usually, when I sit down to make a list it is a form of procrastination. 通常,当我坐下来拉一份清单时,我总是有些拖拖拉拉。
- An Empirical Research into Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of Listed IT Companies--Proof from Section Data of Chinese Listed Companies 信息技术类上市公司资本结构影响因素的实证研究--来自中国上市公司截面数据的证据
- I recommended one VZ consultant to one of my friend in a VC-backed IT company. 我不久前把VZ的顾问推荐给了一个在风险资本投资的IT公司的一位朋友。
- Later, I entered a large IT company in the identity of a intern student. 后来我以实习生的省份,进入一个大的IT企业实习。
- The two IT companies are bickering over market access. 两家资讯科技公司正为争夺市场而闹个不休。
- The NDRC has listed it as "one of the key issues and priorities" after three decades of fast economic growth. 在三十年经济高速增长之后,发改委将这项建议作为“一个主要的和优先考虑的议题”提上日程表。
- We recruit 90 project managers could fit MNC IT companies, want to come? 招募90个适应外企环境的项目经理,你想来吗?
- Dragonfish or Arowana: Within primitive fish and also tropical fish, but people list it sole customarily. 龙鱼:本属古代鱼类也可属热带鱼类;但人们习惯将其单列一类.
- Finally Critical Strike Rating, while at the end of my list it is not a useless stat. 最后致命一击等级,而在我的列表的末尾它不是一个无用的统计。
- It is not a true asset even if your banker lets you list it as one. My $400 new titanium driver was worth $150 the moment I teed off. 这不是真正的资产,即使你的银行经理让你把它列在资产项下。当我用过一次价值400美元的新的高尔夫球杆时,它就只值150美元了。
- While living in Shanghai I used to work for the local branch of a Korean IT company. 住在上海时,我曾在一家韩国IT公司的上海分公司工作。
- To get the best chance for your videos to be found by the crawlers, create a video sitemap and list it in your Google Webmaster Central account. 要获得最好的机会为您的影片被发现的抓取工具,创建一个视频网站,并把它列在您的谷歌网站管理员中心的帐户。
- Conversely, on the poorly-rated list it’s not surprising to see it dominated by CEOs whose companies have been in a tailspin. 相反,在差评榜单里,出现那些公司处于混乱状态的CEO名字也就顺理成章。
- He found himself wondering indeed at many things, and this last speculation had others to keep it company. 他发现自己对很多事情感到不解,他最近这番思索又使他想起好多其他事情来。