- The external sources of cash include the liquidation of assets and equity issues. 外部现金来源包括资产变现和发行新股票。
- Realized Profit A gain realized upon liquidation of assets that results from receiving a price higher than the original purchase price. 实现利润由于出售资产的价格高于原来买入价格而带来的收益。
- The bursting of bubbles causes credit contraction, the forced liquidation of assets, deflation and wealth destruction that may reach catastrophic proportions. 泡沫破裂导致可能达到灾难水平的信贷紧缩、资产清算、通缩以及财富缩水。
- DW: Preservation of asset ratios and so forth? 伟福:保持资产比率等等?
- Chapter two:Analysis of the legal principle of asset "true sale". 第二章 对资产“真实出售”的法理问题进行了分析。
- This is the essential content of asset reorganization in M&As. 这是并购中企业资产重组的本质内容。
- The excess liquidity has led to the resurgence of asset bubbles. 流动性过剩已导致资产泡沫再度抬头。
- Liquidation of Assets Pledged or Transferred As Collateral 结算提供或移转作为担保品的资产
- liquidation of asset 资产清算
- He have on excess of assets over liability. 他的资产大于其他负债。
- He has on excess of assets over liability. 他的资产大于其他负债。
- He have an excess of assets over liability. 他的资产多于负债。
- On Trend of Asset Management of China Securities Co. 我国券商资产管理业务发展方向探讨。
- The directors of this transitional company were not content to preside inertly over the liquidation of their subsidiary. 这家跨国公司的董事们不甘心袖手旁观地让他们的子公司被清理掉。
- Finally, the market liquidity of sufficient funds noodle. 最后,市场资金面流动性充足。
- The investors became nervous at the freezing of assets. 投资人因资产冻结而变得紧张不安。
- A net 47% of asset allocators are currently overweight the Tokyo stock market. 目前足足有47%25的资产配置人员给了东京股票市场太大的份量。
- Sakwa: 5.3-5.6 (Liquidation of Kulaks, Dizzy with Success, Bolshevik-Leninist Opposition). 6(对富农的清算、茫然的成就、布尔什维克党中列宁主义者的反对)。
- Please note the above and assign your staff for the liquidation of the distributor agreement. 提请您注意上述内容并指派专员协助完成清算。