- This volume as a unit of liquid measure. 一大酒桶的容量液量单位,作为一个液量单位的体积
- A unit of liquid measure equal to0.9 U.S. pint(0.42 liter). 马奇金液量单位,相当于美国的0。9品脱(0。42升)
- An ounce in liquid measure is different from an ounce in dry measure. 液量的一盎斯与干量的一盎斯不同。
- A unit of liquid measure equal to 0.9 U.S. pint(0.42 liter). 马奇金液量单位,相当于美国的0。9品脱(0。42升)
- A unit of liquid measure equals to one quarter of a pint. 一种液量单位,相当于四分之一品脱。
- A unit of liquid measure equal to one quarter of a pint. 少量液体单位,相当于四分之一品脱
- An old English liquid measure equal to2.0 quarts(1.9 liters). 波特尔英国旧时的液量单位,相当于2。0夸脱(即1。9升)
- A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about 16.2 liters (17 quarts) when used to measure wine. 厄罗伯曾用于西班牙语国家的测量液体的单位,容量不一,但量酒类时约等于16.;2公升(17夸脱)
- Among surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors, Love wave, which is based on the guiding layer can enhance the energy of SH wave and protect IDT, is suited for using in liquid measurement. 所有表面声波中,拉福波基于波导层可增强表面横波能量且可保护交指叉换能器(IDT),是最适于液体感测。
- Is different from the past, static weighing liquid measurement, metering pumps, tanks, and other measures of a new measurement methods smart flowmeter control technology. 是区别于以往静态的称重式液体计量、计量泵、计量罐等计量方式的一项新型智能流量计控制技术。
- A unit of volume or capacity, used in dry and liquid measure, equal to?f a British Imperial pint(142milliliters). 吉耳体积或容量单位,用来计量固体或液体,相当于加?国标准品脱(142毫升)
- A unit of volume or capacity, used in dry and liquid measure, equal to of a British Imperial pint(142 milliliters). 吉耳体积或容量单位,用来计量固体或液体,相当于加?国标准品脱(142毫升)
- A unit of liquid measure used by the ancient Hebrews,equal to about five liters. 欣古希伯来人测量液体的单位,约等于5升
- A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System,used in liquid measure,equal to 4 quarts(3.785 liters). 加仑美国使用的液体容量单位,等于4夸脱(3.;785升)
- A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in dry and liquid measure and equal to2, 219.36 cubic inches or36.37 liters. 蒲式耳英国法定体积或容量单位,用于度量干燥固体和液体。1蒲式耳等于2,219。36立方英寸或36。37升
- A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to of a pint or four ounces(118 milliliters). 吉耳美国传统系统中的强度和容量单位,用来测量液体,相当于计吠鸦?盎司(118毫升)
- A unit of liquid measure used by the ancient Hebrews, equal to about five liters. 欣古希伯来人测量液体的单位,约等于5升
- A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to4 quarts(3.785 liters). 加仑美国使用的液体容量单位,等于4夸脱(3。785开)
- A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in dry and liquid measure, equal to0.568 liter. (英制)品脱英制容量或体积单位,用于液量或干量单位,等于0。568升
- An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, equal to about38 liters(10 U.S. gallons). 巴斯古希伯来人的一种液体度量单位,相当于约38升(10美国加仑)