- A simple method using spectroscopic ellipsometry to measure uniaxial liquid crystal layer is introduced. 探讨了利用普通光谱型椭偏仪对各向异性液晶层进行综合性测量的可行性。
- A photograph printing device arranges a polaroid which can rotate around an optic axis and a double refraction board at the light emergent side of a liquid crystal layer. 一种照片印制装置,将能以光轴为中心旋转的偏光片和双折射板设在液晶层的光出射侧。
- Determination of anisotropic liquid crystal layer parameters by spectroscopic ellipsometer 光谱型椭偏仪对各向异性液晶层的测量
- Experimental Research on Temperature Characteristic of Liquid Crystal Layer in a LCD Screen 液晶显示屏温度特性的试验研究
- liquid crystal layer 液晶层
- Azo-dye dopant Photo-Induced Aligning Layer for Liquid Crystal Cells[J]. 引用该论文 刘绍锦;张俊瑞;凌志华.
- A This is the problem of a liquid crystal panel. 此现象为液晶面板的问题。
- The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers. 影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。
- Liquid crystal ink added with crystallizability. 液晶油墨中加进了具有结晶性能的化合物。
- The liquid crystal was cholesteric. 该液晶是胆甾型的。
- Nanjing Huari Liquid Crystal Display Technical Co., Ltd. 南京华日液晶显示技术有限公司。
- Liquid crystal electronic constant-speed operating functions. 液晶电子式无段变速操作功能。
- Liquid crystal material greatly entire, got down had a look. 液晶资料大全,下了看看吧。
- The display may be liquid crystal or light emitting diode. 可以采用液晶或发光二极管显示。
- From inner to out,the eggshell model included shell membrane,cone layer,column layer,surface crystal layer and cover. 蛋壳从内到外包括壳膜、锥体层、柱状层、表面晶体层、覆盖层五部分。
- Also known as AMLCD (active matrix liquid crystal display). 此外作为AMLCD(活跃的基体液晶显示幕)知道。
- A Research on Tunable Liquid Crystal Fabry-Perot Filter[J]. 引用该论文 黄腾超;陈海星;李海峰;顾培夫;沈亦兵.
- Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator Based on BSO[J]. 引用该论文 Shi Tao;Huang Ziqiang;Zhang Cuiyu.
- Experiment results show that removing the surface broken crystal layer of the cold drawn rod can prevent heat treatment induced cracks. 实验结果表明,热处理前去掉冷拉棒表面的碎晶层可以防止它在热处理过程中产生裂纹。
- Thermosensitive Liquid Crystal Polymer Color Image Display[J]. 引用该论文 史永基;史建军;史红军.