- lion incense burner 狮头香炉
- The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
- The tripod incense Burner decorated with a lion head lid is of such distinctive and pleasing quality that you can hardly Bear to put it down. 狮盖香炉,别有韵味,令人爱不释手。
- Local people called it Incense Burner Stone. 当地人叫它香炉石。
- Or an incense burner? But it's a bit too big. 香炉?好像又大了点儿。
- The large urn ahead is an incense burner. 前面的坛是香炉。
- The monkburned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
- Then starting Shaolin or sea, wooden fish net to incense burner. 接着出发少林要么海底,网木鱼香炉去。
- The incense burner is full of incense ash, you should clean it. 香炉里堆满了香灰,你应该好好打扫一下了。
- In front of the incense burner, there are two mats for people to kneel on. 香炉前摆着两个拜垫。
- Therefore this incense burner cannot be sent to the temple, but left on the halfway of the mountain. 结果,这香炉没送到寺里去,就不当不正戳在这了。
- The Incense Burner is one of the most significant item in the Liturgy, as the incense characterizes the prays to God. 该香炉是其中一项最重要的项目,在主持圣道礼仪,为香的特点祈祷上帝。
- Guangshun Five-year (952) carved stone incense burner made, placeddian qian Buddha. 五代广顺二年(952)刻造石香炉,置于大佛殿前。
- tripod incense burner decorated with a lion on the lid 狮盖三角香炉
- Incense burner is symbol of “peace and wealth”, only the noble can own it. So it is the symbol of wealth and authority. 香炉是吉祥和平安的象征。只有贵族才能拥有,所以香炉是权力和财富的象征。
- I look at the dainty antique incense burner and the white smoke from the golden yellow vessel.I feel reverence.My hearts quiets down. 我注意古意盎然的香炉,自澄黄中冒出绵延不绝的白烟,觉得内心有一种平和的虔敬,整个心沉定下来;
- At present the company product mainly divides in to two big kinds:Resin handicraft:resin incense burner,resin perfume and resin dass craft present. 目前公司产品主要分为两大类:树脂工艺品:树脂香薰炉,树脂香水瓶及树脂类工艺品;
- The golden throne is carved with dragons all over. Around the throne stand two bronze cranes, an elephant-shaped incense burner and tripods in the shape of mythical beasts. 金銮宝座上到处都雕刻着龙。在宝座前的两侧有宝象、甪端(音录端,一种神兽)、仙鹤和香亭。
- Shannon Bay Street office is located in the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone Road lovers, the beautiful Bay incense burner, a unique natural scenery, thriving downtown business. 香湾街道办事处位于珠海经济特区情侣中路、美丽的香炉湾畔,有着得天独厚的自然风光,繁华的工商业闹市区。
- According to pre-existing niche Incense Burner in the Ming Dynasty stone inscription records, three Buddha statues are, France, the monks, "one Sambo" statue of the Tathagata. 据龛前现存的明代石刻大香炉铭文记载,三尊佛像均是释迦牟尼金身,即佛、法、僧“一体三宝”的如来塑像。