- The linguistic turn in contemporary philosophy is closely related to the course of the criticism of subject philosophy. 摘要当代哲学的“语言学转向”是至为密切地与批判“主体哲学”的进程联系在一起的。
- We think, therefore, Marx's critique of subject philosophy foreshows the linguistic turn in contemporary philosophy. 在这个意义上,马克思的主体哲学批判切近地预示了当代哲学的语言学转向。
- How is structuralism related to postsructuralism?Why do we say there is a linguistic turn in the 20th century literary theory? 结构主义与后结构主义理论的关系/为什么说20世纪文学理论有着一个语言学转向?
- The west post-modem jurisprudence proposes a linguistic turn of the study of law on the basis of deconstruction of modern jurisprudence. 摘要西方后现代法学在对现代法学解构的基础上倡导法学研究的语言学转向。
- Based on the background of his era, this text tries to give an explanation to Heidegger's linguistic turn from phenomenological and hermeneutical angles and analyze its influence. 本文立足于海德格尔语言转向的时代背景,着重从现象学和诠释学的维度阐发其意义及其影响。
- Then Kuhn fall back on linguistic analysis and advise a taxonomic interpretation of his controversial notion of incommensurability.That is called Kuhn"s "Linguistic Turn". 为此,库恩希望借助语言分析,对不可通约性提出新的分类学解释,这就是人们通常所理解的“语言转向”。
- Since the linguistic turn in the history of Western Philosophies, language has become more important, and it has been regarded as Home of Human Existence and Way of Human Existence . 摘要随着西方哲学史上语言转向的发生,语言的地位大大提升。它已经被学术界普遍视为“人类存在的家园”、“人的存在方式”。
- Since the beginning of the 20th century, "the linguistic turn" has become phenomenally popular in western art and philosophy, but why such a turn at the beginning of the 20th century? 摘要西方20世纪以来的“语言论转向”绝不是一个偶然的现象,语言的变化背后蕴藏着深刻的文化学内涵。
- The latter originates in "linguistic turn" in philosophical investigations and has been concerned mostly with the cognitive process of deducing the speaker's intention on the part of the hearer. 后者源于哲学研究的“语言性转向”,侧重研究接受者推断表达者语用意图的认知研究。
- As a kind of theory study, intertextuality made a start on the linguistics turning of contemporary literature theory. 一番细读和思考后会发现,“互文性”与“博尔赫斯”是相得益彰的两个关键词,可以互相给以阐释和生发。
- a linguistic turn to jurisprudential language 法学语言转向
- the linguistic turn in philosophy 哲学的语言转向
- A good dictionary is the handmaid of the linguist. 一部好字典封语言学家的帮助甚大。
- And their language and linguistic competence should be improved. 他们的语言能力和语言学知识必须得到提高。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- He kept turning up like a bad penny at every party. 没有哪次晚会见不到他,真令人讨厌。
- The linguist go to study tribal language in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。
- The teacher get a raspberry as she turn her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音。
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 这个问题就说到这里吧,现在来谈谈另一个话题。