- It was a luxuriously appointed room. 这是一个陈设豪华的房间。
- There's no time to linger it'll soon be dark. 没时间拖延了--天快黑了。
- She linger outside the theater to waylay him after the show. 她在戏院外面徘徊想在演出之后拦住他说话。
- Though desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months. 他虽病入膏肓,却尚能苟延数月。
- He made excuses to linger on the stairs. 他找借口故意在楼梯口上磨磨蹭蹭。
- If you fever linger, come to me again. 如果你热度不退的话,就再来找我。
- His last words still linger in our ears. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。
- The smell of her perfume linger in the empty house. 空屋里仍然飘溢著她的香水味。
- She stretched luxuriously on the bed. 她惬意地在床上舒展着身子。
- It isn't furnished very luxuriously. 虽然布置不是很豪华。
- They meet last night to clear up any linger doubt. 他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点。
- The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. 房间装饰得十分豪华雅致。
- Eventually I put the map away, but the notion of go to alaska linger on. 我终於放下了地图,但是到阿拉斯加去的念头却挥之不去
- The room was luxuriously furnished. 这房间陈设奢华。
- Such walls as in time may linger as a mere fable. 这类高墙到将来只会给后代当作闲话当年的资料罢了。
- They would linger at the jamb of the door. 他们就在门旁侧壁那呆着不走。
- Mother told him not to linger on the way home. 妈妈告诉他不要在回家的路上逗留。
- You may live luxuriously but you must not break the pale. 你可以过奢侈的生活,但不能入不敷出。
- ONLY THE SPIRIT OF METAL WILL LINGER AFTER WE DIE! 没有东西是永恒的,但金属的精神在我们离世后亦会流芳百世!
- Mother told him not to linger on the way home . 妈妈告诉他不要在回家的路上逗留。