- There was a linear positive correlation between threshold and NMB, while a linear negative correlation between amplitude and NMB, P<0.01. 刺激阈值与NMB呈正相关(P<0.;01),反应振幅与NMB呈负相关(P<0
- There was a linear positive correlation between TCSS grading of neuropathy and the grading of diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy(P<0.05). TCSS神经病变分级与糖尿病肾病、糖尿病视网膜病变的分期呈线性正相关(P<0.;05);
- The signifi-cant linear positive correlation(P<0.01)exsised between the averag numberof CGS and the average diameter of oocytes in various developing stages. 在各发育阶段的卵母细胞中;CGs 平均数量和卵母细胞平均直径增长之间呈非常显著的强相关(P<0.;01)。
- Results FPP, PCPG and PVF had a good linear negative correlation to the ratio of SD to PVD(SD/PVD) respectively.HAF had a good linear positive correlation to SD/PVD. 结果分流口直径(SD)和门静脉直径(PVD)之比(SD/PVD)与FPP、PCPG、PVF呈负相关,与HAF呈正相关,且直线关系良好。
- The correlation analysis suggested that AWT has a linear positive correlation with apoB(r=0.338),and a linear negative correlation with apoAI(r =-0.385) and apoA I/apoB(r=-0.540)(all P<0.01). 相关性分析显示;AWT 与 apoB(r=0.;338)呈直线正相关;与 apoAl(r=-0
- The results suggest that the severity of stress sensitivity is linear inverse correlation with permeability of matrix, and linear positive correlation with logarithm of the permeability of fractures. 研究结果表明,致密砂岩应力敏感性损害严重,应力敏感性系数与基块渗透率线性负相关,而与裂缝岩样渗透率的对数线性正相关;
- The results also demonstrated that there were most significantly linear positive correlation between weaver ant nest’s length and breadth, length and height, and breadth and height. 黄猄蚁蚁巢长度和宽度、蚁巢长度和离地高度以及蚁巢宽度和离地高度均呈极显著的线性正相关关系。
- Has politeness positive correlation with tact? 此研究有两个亟待解决的问题:(1)礼貌与得体总呈正相关吗?
- HSI data also show a positive correlation with GSI. 而肝脏粗脂肪含量在雌雄个体上有显著的差异,雌个体比雄个体高。
- linear positive correlationn. 线性正相关
- In guomisi geogas, Zn ans Cd has notable positive correlation. 郭米寺地气中Zn和Cd存在显著的正相关关系。
- There was a positive correlation among HAMD/HAMA and GSRS. HAMD/HAMA和GSRS评分间有一定相关性,即IBS患者的情绪障碍与腹部症状有一定相关性。
- There was significantly positive correlation between WSP content and viscosity. 水溶性戊聚糖含量与籽粒提取液黏度呈极显著正相关。
- For ETH225,allele A(123bp)had a positive correlation with waisr corner width. ETH225等位基因A(123bp)对腰角宽具有正面影响;
- Positive correlation of PUN and MUN was significant(r=0.869,P=0.024). PUN和MUN正相关性明显(r=0.;869;P=0
- Some available approximability of bounded linear positive operator can be characterized by using these new results. 应用这些结果可对目前见到的有界线性正算子的逼近性质重新进行刻画。
- There was a positive correlation between VEGF and PDGF in MOT and BOT groups. 血清VEGF与PDGF水平在MOT和BOT组中均存在正相关(P<0.;05)。
- We posit that economic integration has a linear positive effect on alliance stability but a curvilinear (diminished) effect on alliance profitability. 我们发现经济整合对联盟的稳定性有一个线性正效应,但是与联盟的获利能力却呈现曲线(递减)的关系。
- There was positive correlation among PASS, FM-B and BBS (r=0.867~0.957,P<0.01). PASS与FM-B及BBS间均具有高度相关性(r=0.;867~0
- There was positive correlation between ER and local and distant metastasis. 雌激素受体的表达与乳腺癌局部复发和远处转移呈负相关,与无瘤生存率呈正相关。