- linear analytical solution 线性解析解
- The approximate analytical solution is got by using perturbation method. 通过扰动方法求得问题的近似解析解。
- Numerical and analytical solutions are presented. 文章中同时提出解析解与数值解。
- First the sloshing induced by disturbance of surface is calculated and compared with linear analytical method.Then the sloshing in a swaying tank is simulated. 首先对初始扰动下的液体晃荡作了计算,并同线性解析解作了比较,然后数值模拟了强迫纵荡下,箱体内液体运动。
- The comparison between analytical solution and uncorrected solution shows that uncorrected truncation errors can not be ignored. 通过解析解与没有修正的差分解进行对比,结果表明,没有修正的截断误差是不能忽略的。
- An analytical solution for one dimensional diffusion of VOCs through composite liners was presented. 本文建立了有机挥发性化合物在复合衬里中的一维扩散模型,并得到了解析解。
- Analytical Solution for Passive Q Switching with Cr Ion Doped Saturable Absorber[J]. 引用该论文 吴念乐;吕亚军;陆兴华;李家强;李师群.
- An analytical solution for the coefficient of restitution of a mass colliding with a slender rod or beam was presented. 给出了物体与细长杆或梁弹性碰撞恢复系数的一种求解方法。
- This paper gives out the analytical solution for the quasilinear system of partial differential equations. 本文给出了这两个拟线性偏微分方程组的定解问题的一个求解方法及解析解表达式。
- An analytical solution was developed to study the sheltering effect on arc-shaped floating breakwaters. 给出了圆弧型浮式防波堤防浪效果计算的解析方法。
- This paper derives stress and strain analytical solution with Lode parameter of deformation zone onround hole flanging. 推导圆孔翻边变形区参数型(罗代参数)的应力和应变的解析解。
- An analytical solution for a tunnel in the saturated ground considereding the hydromechanical coupling is obtained. 本文利用解析法给出了饱和孔隙介质地层中考虑地下水渗流力作用下的应力,位移表达式;
- Solving the corresponding differential equation, an analytical solution for the surface crack width of concrete covers is derived. 通过求解相应的微分方程,导出混凝土保护层表面裂缝宽度的解析解;
- This paper derives stress and strain analytical solution with Lode parameter of deformation zone on round hole flanging. 摘要推导圆孔翻边变形区参数型(罗代参数)的应力和应变的解析解。
- The analytical solution of roadway discharge is given,under the condition of rock permeabillty attenuation with mining depth increase. 给出了在岩石渗透性随深度衰减条件下,二维稳定流巷道涌水量的解析解。
- In this paper, analytical solution of dynamic equations for a fully mounted multiple point meshing mechanism with flexible support has been studied. 研究了全悬挂多点啮合柔性支承传动机构动力学方程的解析解。
- Analysing the rationality of the solution and discussing its consistency with the analytical solution, satisfactory the results are shown. 分析了解的合理性,讨论了与可对比解析解的一致性,其结果是令人满意的。
- The model is established that fracturing fluid leakoff in coal bed with/without the reopened natural fractures, and its analytical solution is present. 建立了天然裂缝开启前、后的煤层压裂液滤失数学模型,给出了模型的解析解,并进行了计算分析,对于煤层压裂设计分析具有一定的实用意义。
- An analytical solution of contaminant diffusion through soil was presented based on the assumption of simplified non-linear adsorption isotherm. 在考虑分段吸附等温模式的基础上,建立了污染物在黏土中的一维扩散模型。并得到了简化求解条件下的解析解。
- The Hamiltonian solution system for thick plates provides a new effective tool for the development of analytical solution... 厚板哈密顿体系的理论成果将为研究厚板解析解和有限元解提供新的有效工具。