- This air line operates five main. 这家经营五条主干线和二十条支线。
- In charge of managing production line operator. 负责管理生产线和操作员.
- Aptitude supports most command line operations of apt-get. aptitude支持大多数apt-get的命令行操作。
- Command line operation of Disk Defragmenter is not supported. 不支持磁盘碎片整理程序的命令行操作。
- It is the world's first commercial maglev line operation. 是世界第一条商业运营的磁悬浮专线。
- This air line operates five main lines and twenty branch lines. 这家航空公司经营五条主干线和二十条支线。
- A free Tel-Law Service offers trilingual Cantonese, Putonghua and English taped information on 73 topics. Eight telephone lines operate 24 hours. 该项谘询服务设有八条24小时服务的电话热线,就73项法律资讯提供粤语、普通话及英语录音讲解服务。
- One day my dad drove up with a friend to see two 9-year-old boys. in the driveway with a production line operating at full speed. 爸爸带着一个朋友驱车而至,来看两个9 岁男孩在公路边合力操弄一条生产线。
- Nd, reduces uses electricity the system, the ballast, the switch, the perceptual negative line operating temperature. 降低用电系统、镇流器、开关、感性负线路的工作温度。
- Managing MRO usage in each cell and line operation, decrease MRO cost to reach our target. 管理各作业小区和装配线的MRO使用,降低MRO成本并达到计划目标。
- After elastic of anal fistula classics hangs line operation, can you sit to attend class immediately? 肛瘘经橡皮筋挂线手术后,能不能马上坐着上课?
- One day my dad drove up with a friend to see two 9-year-old boys . in the driveway with a production line operating at full speed. 爸爸带着一个朋友驱车而至,来看两个9 岁男孩在公路边合力操弄一条生产线。
- Supervising the providing the training to all the line operators to strictly follow up the process control sheet to manufacture and inspect valves. 培训和监督本线全体人员严格按过程控制卡要求进行生产制造和检验。
- Measures for safeguarding the efficiency, as well as maintenance packages and support in line operation details, are part of this LCS Services concept. 各项用于确保设备使用效率的措施,例如设备的维护保养、技术支持以及和设备驱动有关的其它详细问题,都隶属于终身服务的客户服务内容。
- One day my dad drove up with a friend to see two 9-year-old boys in the driveway with a production line operating at full speed. 爸爸带着一个朋友驱车而至,来看两个9岁男孩在公路边合力操弄一条生产线。
- For a re-entrant line operating under the last-buffer-first-served servicepolicy, Dai and Bramson (2001) proved a heavy traffic limit theorem. 对于在last-buffer-first-served服务规则下的re-entrant line;Dai and Bramson(2001)证明了高服务强度下的极限定理.
- The CRC line operating unit shall implement the ticket price a roved by the municipal people's government and make it public. 轨道交通线路运营单位应当执行市人民政府批准的票价并予以公布。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- If the operation ca ot be restored in a short time, the CRC line operating unit shall organize the di ersion and tra fer of pa engers. 一时无法恢复运行的,轨道交通线路运营单位应当组织乘客疏散和换乘。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。