- The Line Form Design of the Superhighway 高速公路线形设计
- line form design 线形设计
- The line form a prelude to his long narrative poem. 这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗。
- Make complex form design easier. 使复杂的表单设计变得更容易。
- He drew an oblique line form one corner of the paper to the other. 他从纸的这角到另一角画了一条斜线。
- The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem. 这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗。
- However, you can also make changes to the form design in this view. 然而,您还可以在此视图中对窗体设计进行更改。
- Automobile body's line, what walks is the current paranitroaniline red streamline form design, from beginning to end the unified whole, does not have the obvious stiff transition. 车身的线条,走的是当前正红的流线型设计,从头到尾浑然一体,没有明显生硬的转折。
- A line formed at each teller window. 银行每个出纳员的窗口前都排起了队。
- Depending on your form design program, the template may open as read-only. 根据您的表单设计程序,模板可能会以只读方式打开。
- He frowns, a tense line forming between his brows. 他皱起了眉,他的眉间有细纹绷得紧紧的。
- After you save your form design, you can run the form as often as you want. 保存窗体设计之后,可以根据需要运行它任意多次。
- The lines form a preludeto his long narrative poem. 这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗。
- These two lines form a right angle. 这两条线成一直角。
- The line formed by the edge of a garment at or near the neck. 领口外衣开口或颈周围形成的外廓
- The line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coat. 裙子、外衣或者大衣的底边沿。
- While still in the form design view for frmMain. Cs, on the View menu, click Toolbox. 仍然在frmMain.;cs的窗体设计视图中;在View菜单上;单击Toolbox。
- For more information about publishing form templates, see Help in your XML-based form design program or XML editor. 有关发布表单模板的详细信息,请参阅基于XML的表单设计程序或XML编辑器中的“帮助”。
- When you are on the stage,you must speak you lines form memory. 在舞台上,你必须背台词。
- Click in the form design grid where you want to position the upper-left corner of the control. 单击窗体设计网格中要放置控件左上角的位置。