- line control computer 线路控制计算机
- Dual control for industry control computer and touch-screen. 工控机、触摸屏双控制。
- Production line control system is the core of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), an important system for the electronic line production enterprise to improve the productivity and quality. 生产线控制系统是计算机集成制造的核心,其对于电子产品流水线生产企业而言,具有十分重要的作用。
- They can control computer systems with voice commands and get audible feedback. 他们可运用话音指令控制电脑,并可得到话音方式的回应。
- Visitors can travel to from the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point via KCR Lok Ma Chau Spur Line. 旅客可选择乘搭九广铁路落马洲支线往来落马洲支线管制站。
- In the Visual Basic 6.0 Example, the Shape control is used; it assumes that a Line control was added at design time. 在Visual Basic 6.;0示例中使用Shape控件;其中假定Line控件是在设计时添加的。
- All of these signals are gainadjusted, filtered and summed in an analog control computer. 所有这些讯号在模拟控制计算机中进行增益调整、滤波和综合。
- Construction work on the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point has almost been completed. 落马洲支线管制站的建筑工程已大致完成。
- Line control provides an easy way to draw lines on a form at design time. 控件提供了一种在设计时在窗体上绘制线条的简单方法。
- Serious disturbances on the worksite should jeopardize the industrial control computer through power supply. 工业现场的严重干扰,会通过工业控制机电源对工控系统造成严重危害。
- I also have better line control on paper and this directly relates to improved styling ability. 在纸上也有更好的线条控制能力,这也直接影响到改进造型的能力。
- It is mainly consist of large scale PLC, industry control computer and other devices. 可以对热电厂中的主要热力系统的计算机控制系统进行仿真和调试。
- Custom control computes the rectangular area to draw in. 自定义控件如何计算要在其中进行绘制的矩形区域。
- Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components. 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
- The data on the turntable were always transmitted by electromechanical slip-rings to the main control computer. 转台上的数据一般采用机电滑环传输至转台之外的主控计算机。
- Information and instructions come from a line control centre which monitors all the trains in its sector and tell the driver what to do. 信息和指示来自一个路线控制中心,该中心监控其范围内的所有火车并指示驾驶员的行动。
- In thispaper, some key problems in the process of developing MIS of dis-ease control computer network are discussed. 本文对卫生防疫网管理信息系统研制过程的若干主要问题做些研究。
- Knowledge on production line control, and especially familiar with the production process of high temperature furnace is preferred. 有生产线控制的知识,特别是要熟悉生高温炉子的生产工艺。
- A mine hoister monitoring system based on the industry control computer and PLC was designed. 研究开发了一种基于工控计算机与PLC的提升机综合保护监控系统。
- Constructs 28 nodal casting production line control systems of integrated PLC and intellectual instrument on the basis of RS485 network technology. 基于RS485网络技术构筑28个节点的集成PLC和智能仪器的铸造生产线控制系统。