- limiting of frequency band 频带限制
- Analyse of Frequency Band in Acceleration Measurments during Ejection and Parachuting. 弹射和开伞过载测量中的频率分析。
- For band-pass,the highest code element rate is 2W Baud,and the gettable highest rate of frequency band is 2 Baud/Hz. 对于带通系统而言,最高码元速率为2W Baud,此时可获得的最高频带利用率为2Baud/Hz。
- A Study on Selection of Frequency Band width of Base-band Nanosecond Pulse Amplifier. 零中频毫微秒脉冲放大器带宽选择的研究
- It can be seen that for the different material properties the characters of frequency band and the degree of loc... 可以通过调谐结构的材料特性来改变弹性波的局部化程度,从而改变波动在结构中的传播特性,达到对结构进行有效振动控制。
- The problems of frequency ambiguity and blind frequency band are discussed for a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) Doppler radar in this paper. 针对脉冲多普勒雷达中的速度遮挡问题,提出了基于频域跳盲的PRF组合选择准则及其跳盲方法;
- For hearing, 20Hz is the lower limit of frequency and 20,000 Hz is the upper limit. 对于人的听觉来说,20赫兹是频率的下限,20,000赫兹是频率的上限。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案规定了一年的限期。
- Analysis results show that within the frequency band from 1MHz to 30MHz the impedance of low voltage power network varies from more than ten ohms to one thousand ohms and in general it decreases with the increment of frequency. 分析结果表明在1~30MHz频段,其阻抗值在十几欧姆到上千欧姆之间变化,总体上随频率的升高而降低;
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- A withdrawal limit of $200; no minimum age limit. 提款数量最多不超过200美元; 没有最低年龄限制。
- She has reached the limit of her patience. 她已到了忍无可忍的地步。
- That fence is the limit of the schoolyard. 那堵围墙是校园的界限。
- According to wave motion theory,finite element mesh size satisfying the needs of engineering calculating precision is relevant to the upper limit of frequency range of random(response) problems. 根据波动理论,满足随机响应工程计算精度要求的有限元网格大小与待求高频随机响应问题的频率范围上限有关。
- Currently hybrid fiber coax (HFC) CATV networks are mainly applied to broadcasting television. There are a lot of frequency bands to be spared. 当前 ,光纤同轴线混合 (HFC)有线电视 (CATV)网络主要用于电视广播 ,存在大量的空闲频带资源。
- He is the limit of irresponsibility. 他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度
- R3263, with 9 kilohertz arrive limits of frequency of 3 thousand conspicuous, reportorial standard corresponds for flow according to global system (GSM) . R3263, 与一个9 个千赫到3 千兆赫频率规模, 报导尺度按照寰球性系统为流动通信(GSM) 。
- Intersymbol interference of frequency band transmission 频带传输的码间串扰
- I feel cramped by the limitations of my job. 我觉得受工作束缚,没有什么奔头儿。
- This effect is obvious at lower frequency band. 这种效应在振动低频区段更为显著。