- Technique Study on the Impervious Canal of Concrete Precast Panel 混凝土预制板防渗渠道技术探讨
- Application of Precast Panel to the Reform of Old Wharf, Qingdao Port 预制插板在青岛港老码头改造中的应用
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
- Experiment of precast panel atmospheric steam curing in Yanghe hignway bridge scene wintry 洋河公路桥冬季现场预制桥板蒸汽养护的尝试
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- It is a fact that must be faced up to. 这是必须正视的事实。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The dressmaker faced the cuffs with velvet. 裁缝用天鹅绒给袖口镶边。
- Limestone cliffs; limestone walls. 石灰岩峭壁; 石灰岩墙
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- precast panel system building 装配式大墙板建筑
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。
- A dash of water in his face will revive him. 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- Caves form when water infiltrates limestone. 水渗透石灰石则形成洞穴。