- limbus of sternal border 胸骨缘
- A systolic (grade ) murmur radiated along the left sternal border. 收缩期杂音(第5度),沿著左胸骨缘散播出去。
- left limit of sternal border 胸骨左缘
- Aortic clicks are best heard at the apex, while pulmonic clicks are most audible at the left. upoer sternal border. 主动脉瓣喀喇音在心尖区听得最清楚,肺动脉瓣喀喇音则在胸骨左上缘最能听到。
- Conclusion: This study showed age-related normal variants of sternal uptake. 胸骨核素浓聚灶多出现在胸骨角,稀疏缺损灶出现在胸骨下端。
- Objective To summarize experiences of surgical treatment of sternal fracture. 目的总结分析胸骨骨折的外科处理方法。
- Objective To observe the effect of the transplantation of amnion joining with stem cells of limbus of cornea to treat severe eye burn. 摘要目的观察羊膜移植联合上下角膜缘干细胞移植治疗严重眼烧伤的效果。
- The corneal epithelium stem cells are a special kind of cells located on the basal epithelium of the limbus of cornea. 角膜缘干细胞是一种特殊类型的细胞,位于角膜缘基底上皮层,在角膜上皮更新和创伤愈合中起重要作用。
- The limbus of the fossa ovalis represents the edge of the septum secundum fused with the septum primum. 出生后,肺循环开始,左心房压力增大,致使两个隔膜紧密相贴并逐渐愈合,卵圆孔封闭,左、右心房完全分隔。
- left sternal border systolic ejection murmur 左胸骨缘收缩期杂音
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- A clinical observation showed a slightly elevated and sharply demarcated plaque with vertical vessels seen on end straddling the upper cornea and superior limbus of left eye. 病患61岁男性,左眼轮部及角膜上半部长一片稍呈隆起的斑块,病理切片检查证实为结膜上皮原位癌已侵犯角膜。
- systolic ejection murmur, left sternal border 左胸骨缘收缩期杂音
- Objective: To compare the results of sternal elevation for pectus excavatum with different fixation techniques. 目的:分析胸骨上举术的不同固定方式与手术效果的关系。
- The features included a plaque of keratinized skin lesion located anterior to the left ear and a conjunctival mass prolapsed from the superior limbus of the left eye. 本文报告一个五个月大的男婴,自出生后就发现左耳前及颞侧有一块皮脂腺痣,左眼有一皮脂肪瘤突出以致无法闭合,另有左上眼睑缺损、眼球移位至内下方等异常。
- Objective To study the causes, early symptoms and the keys of diagnosis and treatment of sternal rupture. 了解胸骨裂开的早期表现、诊断及治疗的要点。
- Objective To sum up the experiences in the diagnosis and the treatment of sternal fracture. 摘要目的总结胸骨骨折的诊断与治疗经验。
- Methods: 120 patients, who did not have symptoms of the sternum or a history of malignancy, underwent whole-body boric scan and were evaluated for characters of sternal uptake. 方法:120例无胸骨疼痛症状及肿瘤病史的患者作为研究对象行全身骨显像,分析其胸骨核素分布特征。
- Abstract Objective: To compare the results of sternal elevation for pectus excavatum with different fixation techniques. 摘要目的:分析胸骨上举术的不同固定方式与手术效果的关系。
- Methods: Anatomic features of the region of sternal jugular notch (SJN) were observed and analyzed on 30 adult cadavers. 方法:在30具尸体标本上,观察胸骨颈静脉切迹(SJN)平面重要结构解剖及毗邻关系。