- The box fell into the water and sank like a stone. 箱子掉进水里,很快就沉了下去。
- The drowning man sunk like a stone. 那溺水的人象石头般沉没。
- He had a seizure and lay there like a stone. 他突然中风不省人事,躺在哪儿像块石头。
- The head swings like a stone on a rope. 脑袋像由绳子吊着的一块石头般不断地晃着。
- The drowning man sank like a stone. 溺水之人像石头般沉没。
- You sank out of sight, as the saying goes, like a stone in water. 您消失得无影无踪,正象俗话所说的,石沉大海。
- "The deeps cover them; They went down into the depths like a stone. 出15:5深水淹没他们、他们如同石头坠到深处。
- And what you least wanted holds you down like a stone. Just like a stone. 为何你最不愿发生的事会压迫的使你无法喘息。
- A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork. 有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。
- Getting a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone. 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼。
- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一块石板。
- Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone to earth. 目击者说先是一声爆炸,接着飞机便很快地向地面下落。
- A stone wall surrounds the palace. 一道石墙围绕着宫殿。
- A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water. 一块石头扔进一池静水中。
- Otherwise the calls we make and the directives we issue to lower levels will disappear for ever like a stone dropped into the sea. 否则只发号召写指示,发下去就会像石头掉在大海里,影子都看不见。
- Love dosen't sit there like a stone, it has to be made like bread; remade all the time, made new. 爱情不会像石头那样原地不动。而是像制作面包,不断地制作。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。
- Small objects with special meaning - like a handkerchief, beads, baby clothes, or a stone or seeds from the garden. 有特殊含义的小物品,如手巾、念珠、婴儿服、石头或是花草的种子。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。