- lightning shielding level 耐雷水平
- Lightning Shield mana cost reduced. “闪电之盾”的法力消耗降低。
- Sequence parameters and unbalance level in parallel untransposed 4-circuit transmission lines and lightning shielding line with length of 2 km is calculated on basis of Carson model. 以卡森模型为基础 ,对一段 2km未换位的同杆并架 4回输电线及避雷线的试验线路 ,用Matlab仿真计算了序参数及线路不平衡度。
- Elemental Shields - Formerly Improved Lightning Shield. 元素盾-以前的强化废柴盾。
- Lightning Shield: This ability will now work properly even when the Shaman is stunned, fleeing, or incapacitated. 电盾:现在在萨满眩晕;逃跑;无法行动时也能正常生效了.
- The weapon enchants are an unusual part of the shaman class, as are mechanics like the shield spells (Earth Shield, Lightning Shield) and Frost Shock. 萨满的武器附魔是一个独特的部分,又如萨满的护盾法术(大地护盾,闪电盾)还有冰霜震击。
- Static Shock - You have a 2/4/6% chance to hit your target with a Lightning Shield Orb charge when you do damage, and increasesthe number of charges of your Lightning Shield by 1/2/3. 静电震击-在输出的时候你有2/4/6%25几率扔出一个闪电盾球揍人,并且刷新你的闪电盾发数1/2/3。
- Wand of Lightning Shield now contains 4 charges and is now dropped in the same class of items as greater healing potion, greater mana potion, potion of invulnerability, and scroll of the beast. 闪电盾权杖可以用4次,但是改为与大生命药水,大魔法药水,无敌药水,野兽卷轴一组掉落。
- Mechanism of Lightning Shielding Failure 雷电绕击机理分析
- The Lightning Shield granted by the 8-piece Ten Storms set bonus is not consistent with normal Lightning Shields and does not behave as its tooltip describes. 从无尽风暴套装8件效果中获得的闪电盾和普通的闪电盾不同,而且和技能说明中的动作也不同。
- analysis of lightning shielding failure 雷电绕击分析
- lightning rod for lightning shielding failure 防绕击侧针
- lightning shielding failure trip 雷电绕击跳闸
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky. 闪电曲折地在天空划过。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。
- New Measure of Lightning Shielding of Transmission Lines 输电线路绕击防护的新措施
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- Lightning Shielding Simulation Model of Transmission Line 输电线路雷电屏蔽仿真模型
- I hope you'll be on the level with me. 我希望你对我坦率布公。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。