- Of, relating to, or arranged like rays or radii. 光线的,射线的属于或关于光线或辐光线的,象光线或辐光线一样排列的
- Ask administer ankle ligamentum quickly pulling. 求快治脚踝韧带拉伤.
- The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii. 四分之一圆,扇形体由九十度弧与两条垂直的半径围成的平面图形
- AIM To study the etiology of ossification of the ligamentum flvam. 目的研究探讨黄韧带骨化的病因。
- Anular incision technique on the strenth of the healing intervertebral Disc. 纤维环切口方式与椎间盘愈合强度的实验性研究。
- It is now necessary to introduce a sign convention for radii of curvature. 现在必须介绍曲率半径的正负号规则。
- A plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle. 由两个半径和两个半径中间的弧所形成的一个平面形状。
- The area enclosed by two radii at a45= angle and the intersected arc. 八分圆一个被两条成45°角的半径及与之相交的弧所包围的区域
- Adjacent inside sector radii are tangent. Center point shift as shown in model. 邻近的内部件的半径是相切的,中心点位移在模型中有显示。
- Hence, the damage radii can not be determined from overpressure alone. 因此,破坏半径不能单单由超压力大小来决定。
- Hence, the damage radii can not be determined from overpressure alone . 因此,破坏半径不能单单由超压力大小来决定。
- No nere ingrowth into the needle track lesion at the anular puncture site was obsered. 我们没有观察到任何神经长入环状穿刺针孔灶处的迹象。
- The resolved shear stresses increase with the increasing of notch radii. 切口半径对持久寿命的影响作用非常大,切口半径越小,持久寿命越大。
- Pure geometric forms and soft radii support its simplicity and ease of use. 完美的几何形状和软件的支持使得操作简单易行。
- These data also suggest discordance between discographic indicators and other evidence confirming anular damage. 这一研究也表明了椎间盘影像学和其他关于环破裂的证据的不一致性。
- Cervical and High Thoracic Ligamentum Flavum Frequently Fails to Fuse in the Midline Lirk P, et al. 颈和高胸位黄韧带常不能在中线融合。
- Objective To study the diagnosis and the treatment of ossification of the ligamentum flaum in the thoracic spine. 目的:研究胸椎黄韧带骨化症的诊断与治疗。
- Objective:To investigate the pathogenesis of the degenerative changes of the ligamentum flavum. 目的:探讨黄韧带退变的发生机理。
- In fact, it is difficult to obtain zero curvature radius at the tip of crack because of narrow ligamentum. 由于韧带较窄,机械加工难以获得深切口尖端的曲率半径为零。
- The radii are proportional to the time which has elapsed since the wave front occupied the position wi. 半径与波前占据wi位置以来能经过的时间成正比。