- life information science 生命信息科学
- College of Information Science and Technology. 信息和技术学院。
- With the development of information science, identity authentication is used increasingly wilder in our life. 随着信息技术的飞速发展,利用生物特征进行身份认证正广泛的被应用于各种场合。
- Institute of Information Science and Automation, St Petersburg ? 圣彼得堡信息科学和自动化研究所
- Encyclopaedia of Modern Library and Information Science -- 5 vols. 现代图书馆与信息科学百科全书5卷集。
- Biology is now in the early stages of a historic transition to an information science, while also gaining the tools to reprogram the ancient information systems of life. 目前,生物学正处于某个历史转捩点的早期:它不断取得新的工具,将历史悠久的生命资讯系统重新设定程式,而转变成资讯科学。
- Which method do you prefer for life information exchange, such as sales, rental, or jobs? 您更愿意通过何种方式发送和查询如买卖、租房或工作等相关生活信息?
- Knowledge Management, Which Field Belongs to Library and Information Science? 知识管理,图书情报学应做些什么?
- The Faculty of Culture and Information Science was opened in April 2005. 文化信息学院开设于2005年4月。
- EG Energy's system may eventually provide EDG with life information about the network to help manage the distribution of renewable energy. GE能源的系统最终将向EDF提供电网活的信息,帮助管理可再生能源的配送。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- The military portable ECG for triage is a kind of minitype monitoring equipment for life information for the purpose that the ambulanceman carry through first aids in frontline. 便携低功耗军用分检心电图机是为救护人员在战场上进行火线抢救而设计的一款微型生命信息检测设备。
- Life information of the wounded will be acquired exactly and quickly applying with this equipment, then quickening the triage and reducing the casualties. 利用该设备能够准确迅速地获得伤员生命的状态,从而加快伤员分检的速度,减少人员伤亡。
- It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck's evolutionism,Darwinism, ID theory to life information evolutionism. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断“进化着”的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。
- New Developments in Graduate Education in Library and Information Science in the U. S. A. 美国图书情报学研究生教育的新进展:提供远程教育课件的形式和技术。
- Belzer,J.(1971).Delphi method. In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science(Vol.6,p.556). New York: Marcel Dekker. 陈雅文(民84)。叠慧法。在图书馆学与资讯科学大辞典(下册,页2481)。台北市:汉美。
- This paper collects and analyses the data of study directions of doctor education of Information Science, examinational subjects and some curricula. 摘要本文收集整理了我国图书馆学博士点2005年招生研究方向、入学考试科目以及课程设置的相关数据。
- National commission on libraries and information science: chair.-jeanne hurley simon. 国家图书馆和信息科学委员会:主席-珍妮·赫尔利·西蒙。
- At present, information science is striding forward multi-subjects amalgamation in its contents and methods. 摘要当前,情报学在研究内容和研究方法上不断向多学科融合方向迈进。
- Informative metabolism is an adavanced display of life informative evolution and the inherence of life, and foster all kinds of life activities yet. 信息代谢是生命信息进化的高级表现,也是生命的本质;它蕴育着各种生命活动。