- The declaration will not affect property ownership. 这项宣布不会影响物业拥有权。
- Property ownership shall not be obtained in violation of the law. 财产所有权的取得,不得违反法律规定。
- The transfer of property ownership is a legal process. 房产所有权的转让是一个法律过程。
- They need not be committed to any particular form of property ownership. 他们未必赞成某一种特定形式的财产所有制。
- So property ownership is a key factor determining the performance of companies. 可见产权所有制性质是决定公司绩效的关键因素。
- As with other forms of property ownership, it is undisputedly the owners responsibility to upkeep their buildings. 正如其他私有财产一样,业主在承担保养其楼宇方面,责无旁贷。
- "Individual information is being browbeaten by abuse my life property of quiet, life is safe, make oneself feel pressure or mood unpleasantness. “个人信息被滥用正在威胁着我的生活安宁、生命财产安全,令自己感到压力或者心情不愉快。”
- Japan to China of invade time of long, war scale of big of ruthlessness, give China bring life property loss it severity, is touch eyes shocking. 日本对中国的侵略时间之长,战争规模之大之残酷,给中国带来生命财产损失之严重,是触目惊心的。
- Lingan police received report : It was a residential property ownership dispute. 5月17日,凌安派出所接到群众报警:有人因住宅产权归属问题发生争执。
- This is a difficult one, perhaps more difficult than the issue of property ownership or of pets. 这是艰难的事,或许比对财产或宠物的所有权问题更要艰难。
- "Black car " exist, disturbed road badly to carry the healthy progress of order, the life property of minatory country and people is safe. “黑车”存在,严重干扰了道路运输秩序的健康发展,威胁着国家和人民的生命财产安全。
- For a property that has appurtenance, the appurtenance shall be transferred with the property ownership. 有附属物的财产,附属物随财产所有权的转移而转移。
- Property ownership means the owner's rights to lawfully possess,utilize,profit from and dispose of property. 财产所有权是指所有人依法对自己的财产享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。
- The tenet of safe and censorial job is to prevent and reduce an accident, ensure safety of people life property, stimulative economy builds development. 特种设备的安全与人民生命财产、与社会经济秩序的稳定息息相关。安全监察工作的宗旨就是为了防止和减少事故,保障人民群众生命财产安全,促进经济建设发展。
- Goodwill acquisition system of movables is an important content in property ownership system. 动产的善意取得制度,是财产所有权制度中的一项重要内容。
- Guarantee the safe relation of the life property of the people's crowd graveness, must enter a not grasp the good safety to produce to work with social public order. 帮翻一段汉译英。保障人民群众生命财产安全关系重大,必须进一不抓好安全生产和社会治安工作。
- Several property so people can differ in opinion, or some other property ownership deliberately recruit people fraud. 这样可以避免几位产权人意见不一致时,或有的产权人故意瞒着其他产权人进行诈骗。
- Saleable area is based on the structure of buildings, a description of the property ownership and occupancy status. 实用面积是以建筑物结构为依据,描述某楼宇的所有权和占用状况。
- The only thing that all four of these models of capitalism have in common is that they recognise the right of private property ownership. 上述4种资本主义模式仅有的一个共同点是它们都承认私有财产所有权。
- To our surprise, the divorce prompter is wife's mother-in-law, the reason is that they forget writing her name on the property ownership certificate. 离婚的提出人居然是婆婆,原因是房产证上漏写婆婆的名字。