- Bears lie dormant during the winter. 熊在冬季冬眠。
- During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil. 冬天种子在土壤中休眠。
- Many plants lie dormant throughout the winter, ie alive but not growing. 许多植物冬天呈休眠状态.
- Many plants lie dormant throughout the winter,ie alive but not growing. 许多植物冬天呈休眠状态.
- His work lay dormant for many years. 这种疾病可以在人体潜伏两个周。
- Such data can lie dormant for a long period of time and then explode when accessed. 此类数据会长期休眠,然后在访问时被激发。
- They believe that infectious prions might wake viruses that lie dormant in the DNA of an uninfected cell. 他们相信感染朊病毒可能唤醒健康细胞内其他病毒沉睡的DNA。
- The science of electrostatics lay dormant for about 2,000 years. 静电学沉睡了大约2,000年。
- The asbestos particles can lie dormant in the body for several years and manifest later, when the prognosis is very grim. 石棉粒子可以潜伏在身体内数年,舱单后,当预后是很严峻的。
- The construction project is a lump-sum and risk-taking undertaking, and risks lie dormant in every link of bidding process. 摘要建设工程是一次性和风险性的事业,风险也潜伏于招投标过程的各个环节。
- Such background dreams lie dormant or unanimated until creator chooses to include or add them to the template of their dream for a particular cycle. 这些后台梦想处在静止或无激活状态,直到造物者为了一个特定的周期去选择把它们包含或加载进他们的梦想模板。
- But the sweetness of forgiveness lies dormant in the inner self. 蔗糖的甜味只能由舌头来品尝,但是宽恕的甜蜜潜藏在自己的心中。
- Some viruses wreak their effect as soon as their code is executed; other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their code to be executed by the computer. 有些病毒造成其尽快生效,其代码被执行;其他病毒所在冬眠的情况下才引起他们的代码执行,由计算机。
- Those data can lie dormant for years without causing much trouble.The danger arises when some newfangled algorithm reads too much into the inconsistencies. 这些资料可能潜藏数年而不会造成任何麻烦,直到某个新的演算法对前后的资料太过敏感而产生问题。
- Lying dormant thus far in our view of the world is spacetime itself. 到现在为止,在我们的世界观中,空时本身“正在休眠”。
- The design of the nanobattery enables it to lie dormant for at least15 years, perhaps as a power source for a sensor that monitors radioactivity or one that tracks the buildup of toxic chemicals. 奈米电池的设计让它可休眠至少15年,或许可当做感测器的电源,用以监测放射线,或是追踪毒性化学物的累积。
- The really scary part is that, while all these symptoms can clear up by themselves, the disease can lie dormant in your system for decades before damaging vitals such as your nervous system and heart. 最吓人的是这些症状都会自愈,但是病毒会在损伤你的神经和心脏之前在你的机体处于休眠状态长达几十年之久。
- We should know that one, who does not perform penance or practice austerities in life to one's utmost power, deceives one's real self.Besides, all powers of such a man lie dormant. 我们应当知道,不进行苦修的人就是欺骗真我,这样,他的所有的能量就都被隐藏起来。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again. 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。