- liberty in material production 物质生产自由
- Reducing expenses in materials, production and development are expected to account for two-thirds of the planned reduction. 降低材料、生产和开发费用预计占到了计划削减成本的三分之二。
- We hope you can happiness and Liberty in heaven. 我们希望你在天堂能幸福并且自由.
- And as in material,so also in intellectual production. 物质的生产是如此,精神的生产也是如此。
- And as in material, so also in intellectual production. 物质的生产是如此,精神的生产也是如此。
- The statue of liberty in New York was sent by the French. 纽约的自由女神像是法国人赠送的。
- Absolute property right can only guarantee liberty in form. 摘要绝对财产权利只能保证形式自由。
- I love liberty in the west; I lovea ilial piety in the east. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
- Molybdenum Disilicide Grads Material Product. 二硅化钼梯度材料产品。
- I love liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the eax. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
- His mother indulged him in material possession. 他的母亲纵容他, 总是给他买这买那。
- I lova liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the east. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
- In material terms, all she has given me is also a void. 说到物质,她所给我的,也只是一个空虚。
- Shanghai European-Asian Synthetic Resin Material Product Co., Ltd. 上海欧亚合成树脂材料制品有限公司。
- In material terms,all she has given me is also a void. 说到物质,她所给我的,也只是一个空虚。
- I love liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the east. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
- Liquid &elastomer, leather, Fangzhizhuji, shapes material production sales. 热塑性聚氨脂弹性体、皮革、纺织助剂、造型材料的生产销售。
- I love liberty in the west; Iy love filial piety in the east. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
- Namiyanghuaxin, nano magnesium oxide, nano ceramic material production. 纳米氧化锌、米氧化镁、米陶瓷材料生产。
- Solid mechanics in materials II. 材料固体力学2。