- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- Bob rode his horse to a standstill. 鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
- I will be at liberty only at weekends. 我只有在周末才有空。
- The frightened horse galloped away. 受惊的马飞奔而去。
- You're at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可畅所欲言。
- The press is a sentinel of our liberty. 新闻界是捍卫我们自由的卫兵。
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
- He's not a fast horse but he's certainly a stayer. 这匹马跑得不快,但很有耐力。
- Everybody is at liberty to air his views. 每个人都有发表意见的自由。
- Dudley reined in his horse and fell a shouting. 达德利勒住马高声呼喊起来。
- The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head. 那匹马乱踢从它背上掉下来的骑手的头部。
- Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty. 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。
- The horse is a clipper. It'll win hands down. 这是一匹快马,他毫不费力就可以跑赢。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。
- We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice. 我们拥护自由和正义。
- He made his horse show his paces. 他让他的马展示其步态。
- He tethered his horse to a tree. 他用绳子把马拴在树上。