- Prisoners who cannot point to an entitlement created by law or regulation remain free to rely on the Constitution as the source of an "inherent" liberty interest, but this line of argument has had mixed success. 不能指出法律或条例创立的权利的犯人仍可依据宪法作为"固有"自由利益的渊源,但这一论点取得了混合的成功。
- A constitutionally protected liberty interest 法院承认,一个心智健全的成年人有宪法上所保障的自由利益
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- I will be at liberty only at weekends. 我只有在周末才有空。
- You're at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可畅所欲言。
- The press is a sentinel of our liberty. 新闻界是捍卫我们自由的卫兵。
- Everybody is at liberty to air his views. 每个人都有发表意见的自由。
- Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty. 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。
- He has an interest in a brewery. 他在一酿造厂有股份。
- We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice. 我们拥护自由和正义。
- Judgment is often biased by interest. 判断往往因利害关系而产生偏差。
- The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。
- You are now at liberty to leave any time. 你现在随时都可以离开。
- I can't work up any interest in this book. 我对这本书提不起任何兴趣。
- We have liberty to use all the library facilities. 我们可以使用图书馆中所有的图书资料。
- He showed no interest in the world around him. 他对周围的一切都不感兴趣。
- You may have the liberty of my study. 你可以使用我的书房。