- We have encouraged and supported China's strategy of liberalizing the economy, introducing market reforms, expanding economic freedoms and opening to the outside world. 我们鼓励并支持中国的经济开放,引入市场改革,搞活经济和对外开放。
- India is attempting a transformation few nations in modern history have successfully managed: liberalizing the economy within an established democratic order. 印度正试图进行一场改革,该改革是近代历史上鲜有几个国家取得成功的,那就是采用民主的方式使经济自由化。
- In accordance with the Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' policy of liberalizing the economy, there shall be no restrictions on the investment-export ratio by overseas Chinese. 经济部投资审议委员会为配合推动经济自由化与国际化,决定不再限制侨外投资人的出资比例,全由投资者自行决定。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。
- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- The economy is shrinking instead of growing. 经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。
- The economy is experiencing an upturn. 经济正在好转。
- He refused to prophesy when the economy would begin to improve. 他不愿推测经济何时好转。
- Our election victory has given us a mandate to reform the economy. 我们在选举中获胜,这就使我们有权进行经济改革。
- All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate. 所有经济部门都遭受到这次汇率下跌带来的损失。
- Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums. 尽管采取了这些措施,经济状况仍然毫无起色。
- They discussed investments, the state of the economy and so forth. 他们讨论了投资和经济状况等问题。
- This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to the economy. 这一税制一旦施行,必然会危害国民经济。
- You should liberate the mind from prejudice. 你该解除心中的偏见。
- This tax can not be introduced without detriment to the economy. 这一税收制度一旦施行,必定会危害国民经济。
- These reforms liberate the villagers from poverty. 这些改革措施把村民们从贫困中解救了出来。
- The Prime Minister promised to revive the economy. 首相承诺振兴经济。
- Those soldiers liberated the turkeys and the geese. 那些士兵把火鸡和鹅劫掠一空。