- libera batella [法] 自由捕渔权
- Mi iros al vi, se mi estos libera. 如果我有空,我将到你那儿去。
- Libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis iferni. 那些忠信的灵魂,就从那地狱的痛苦里拯救。
- The third part is the character of the action libera in cause. 第三部分是原因自由行为的特征。
- Ma io invocai il nome dell’Eterno: Deh, o Eterno, libera l’anima mia! 那时,我呼求耶和华的名,说:“耶和华啊!求你拯救我。”
- L’Angelo dell’Eterno s’accampa intorno a quelli che lo temono, e li libera. 耶和华的使者,在敬畏他的人周围扎营,搭救他们。
- The social conditions also provided relatively broad libera environment for the integration and collision of different ideas. 目前日本正在经历自明治维新以来的第三次大转折,当代以经济发展为主要的文化特征也继续而深刻地影响着日本。
- Per gli scooter i rilievi possono essere effettuati sia in configurazione “codice”, che libera. 对小型摩托车来说,可以进行有规则配置或是自由配置的测定。
- The "monkey trial" challenges the liberal education principle in American,and propels to reflect the libera... “猴子审判”向美国自由教育原则提出了挑战,迫使对自由教育原则进行现实反思。
- La giustizia degli uomini retti li libera, ma i perfidi restan presi nella loro propria malizia. 正直人的公义必拯救自己,但奸诈人必陷溺于自己的恶欲中。
- The preface mainly explains the meaning of the conception of action libera in cause and the necessity of research. 前言主要介绍了我国刑法中原因自由行为概念的意义以及研究的必要性。
- The main text concludes four sections: The first part is the concept of the action libera in cause. 正文部分包括以下四个部分: 第一部分是原因自由行为的概念。
- O voi che amate l’Eterno, odiate il male! Egli custodisce le anime de’ suoi fedeli, li libera dalla mano degli empi. 耶和华保护圣民的性命,救他们脱离恶人的手。
- I giusti gridano e l’Eterno li esaudisce e li libera da tutte le loro distrette. 义人哀求,耶和华就垂听,搭救他们脱离一切患难,
- Because I hit on character of new animation anytime, as for me, everybody of Libera thinks that I am slightly crazy. 至于我个人,其实队里的每个人都觉得我有点疯颠颠的。
- Oh mi Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferni, conduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim illas quae maxime indigent misericordia tua. 吾主耶稣,请宽赦我们的罪过,救我们于永火之中。求祢把众人的灵魂,特别是那些需要祢怜悯的灵魂,领到天国里去。
- Many of the long serving boys in Libera are left wondering whether these exhaustive choir schedules abroad will damage their education in the long term. 很多的服务年资长的男孩在自由行是怀疑他们是否详尽合唱附表国外,将会损害他们的教育中的长期性。
- This process was correlated with his following the beaten path,imitating foreign poetic styles and developing new poetic forms,thus revealing the maturity of his idea of Libera... 这样的转变与胡适在诗体建设上因袭、模仿借鉴和创新的艺术发展过程同步,反映了胡适“诗体大解放”理念的成熟与完善。
- The theory on action libera in cause was created to eradicate the likelihood of maliciously taking advantage of legal system that does not incriminate psychopaths. 为了杜绝这一恶意利用法律制度的现象,“原因中的自由行为”理论应运而生。
- In the first part, there is only the general introduction of Actia libera in causa, which will provide a clear background and general extent for the followed analysis. 本文的第一部分是对作为现象的原因自由行为进行介绍,从而为后面的理论分析提供一个直观的背景和大致的论述范围。