- Do the best to one's level of skill and style of play. 打出水平,打出风格。
- He must have high level of skills and experiences. 他必须具有高水平的训练技巧与专长。
- He's got Violin Grade 6, ie has passed a test at that level of skill. 他的小提琴6级考试及格了.
- These kinds of attacks require the same level of skill as IP spoofing. 这些类型的攻击需要与IP欺骗同等级别的技巧。
- The Challenger Award demands a higher level of skill, as well as introducing self-reliance and service to other people. 挑战奖章则对技能知识要求更高,并介绍自立及服务他人等多项技能,俾其选择。
- To reach a high level of skill requires talent, dedication, and a lot of hard work. 要相将某种技能的水准达到最高等级,你就必须要有聪明才智、奉献精神以及大量艰苦的工作。
- The SS began to create its own training schools to turn out these specialist soldiers to a high level of skill. 党卫队开始建立自己的训练学校来训练这些专业士兵拥有高水平的技能。
- The half mortise lock itself is a rare double strike lock, which required a much higher level of skill to manufacture. 半插芯锁本身是一种罕见的双重打击锁,这需要更高的技术水平,生产。
- She shows a high degree of skill in her work. 她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
- If it's a game of skill, you'll do me down. 要是比技巧,你将胜过我。
- No matter what level of skill you've achieved, you'll find routines you can quickly add to your repertoire. 不管级技巧你达到了,你将发现你能迅速增加到你的保留节目的惯例。
- Also you can only use the patterns that you have the required level of skill in blacksmithing for. 谁知,幸运之神似乎彻底地把我抛弃了,我在赌场里越陷越深,不能自拔,几次拼搏以后,我又借下了不少钱,名副其实的债台高筑。
- Generally speaking it covers highly specialised areas of the economy requiring a high level of skill and educational achievement. 总的来说,它针对的是需要较高技术和学历的专业性较强的经济领域。
- Similarly, the application developer/programmer or computer personnel must possess a certain level of skill, not all over again. 同样,应用开发人员/程序员或电脑人员需具备一定的技能,不要再从头培训。
- That is, the distribution of firms is dependent on the preference level of skill labor instead of the preference gap between skill labors and unskill labors. 也就是,厂商的分布与技术劳工对制造业商品的偏好高低有关,但与技术劳工及非技术劳工的偏好差异无关。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- But our hero is that they oppose the missile-super-power, impenetrable armor, the devastating bomb and the incredible level of skill of managing a helicopter! 但是,我们的英雄是他们反对导弹超级大国,不可渗透的装甲,造成的破坏性炸弹和难以置信的技术水平管理的直升机!
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
- Proficiency at squaring away the odds and ends of business transactions, keeping the check books tight. Each level of skill reduces transaction tax by 10%. 精通处理商业贸易中的各种琐碎事件,保持你的收支处于最佳状态。每升一级减少交易税10%25。
- This trend will also arm the consulting firms with the ability to consult to a major broader range of clientele, hence increasing their diversity and level of skill set. 这个趋势使咨询公司有能力为更广泛的客户群提供服务,从而增加了咨询公司技能的多样性和层次。