- She let out a shriek of laughter. 她尖声大笑了一声。
- He let out a shriek of abandoned laughter. 他尖著嗓子纵声大笑。
- I'm very afraid of bugs; when I see a bug and let out a shriek, he doesn't laugh at me. 我很怕虫子,见到虫子大声尖叫他不会笑我。
- Now, he was free to look around, but he found the scene somewhat frightening. That ashen cold ice, those gently stirring trees and the deathly white dagoba were so desolate that he felt they might suddenly let out a shriek or leap up madly. 现在,他可以自由的看一眼了,可是他心中觉得这个景色有些可怕:那些灰冷的冰,微动的树影,惨白的高塔,都寂寞的似乎要忽然的狂喊一声,或狂走起来!
- All of a sudden he let out a piercing shriek. 他突然发出一声尖叫。
- The stove let out a puff of smoke. 炉子里冒出一股烟。
- She let out a yell and ran home. 她尖叫了一声跑回了家。
- Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan. 每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。
- Each time she moved her head she let out a moan. 她每转动一下头,就发出一声呻吟。
- Each time she move her head she let out a moan. 她每转动一下头,就发出一声呻吟。
- When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy. 当看见陆地时,那水手发出一声欢呼。
- He let out a cry and rushed to his mother. 他哭叫着扑到妈妈的怀里。
- The girl let out a scream of fear. 女孩发出恐惧的叫声。
- Each time he moved his leg,he let out a moan. 每次他移动腿,都呻吟一声。
- The one with the stomach trouble let out a hiss. 那害肚子的人报以一声“嘘”。
- She let out a big yawn a full inch square in area. 柔嘉打个面积一寸见方的大呵欠。
- Standing there silently, he let out a long sigh. 他默默地站着,长长地叹了一口气。
- Each time he moved his leg, he let out a moan. 每次他移动腿,都呻吟一声。
- Do you wake in the night and let out a sigh? 半夜里醒来,你会不会叹息?
- It'll let out a song for the dead water. 又算死水叫出了歌声。