- Several clouds are stacked up into one striking lenticular cloud. 进而导致成群的云系堆积成特殊的荚状云。
- It is called a lenticular cloud, due to its lens-shaped appearance. 它被称做荚状云,由于它成透镜样子。
- The summit of Washington's Mount Rainier lies hidden beneath a stack of horizontally layered lenticular clouds. 意译:云彩的图片画廊。华盛顿瑞尼尔山顶隐藏下方的一叠横向层状透镜状云。
- Moist air forced to flow upward around mountain tops can create lenticular clouds. 这些透镜状云是山顶周围上升的潮湿空气形成的。
- This image of a spectacular cluster of lenticular clouds was taken last December. 这幅照片拍摄于去年12月,图中成群结队的透镜状云团可谓波澜壮阔。
- Lenticular clouds technically known as altocumulus standing lenticularis are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes. 透镜状的云彩,在技术上被称为常设豆状高积云,都是固定镜头形云 ...
- Visible in the above spectacular panorama are the San Francisco Peaks caped by a lenticular cloud. 这张壮观的全景影像中可以看到圣佛朗西斯科山峰被一片透镜云覆盖着。
- Photo Gallery: Clouds The summit of Washington's Mount Rainier lies hidden beneath a stack of horizontally layered lenticular clouds. " 意译:云彩的图片画廊。华盛顿瑞尼尔山顶隐藏下方的一叠横向层状透镜状云。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds. 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。
- Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。
- In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous. 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。
- The lowering clouds threaten rain. 这阴霾的云层预示即将下雨。
- He waited and waited till the clouds rolled by. 他等了又等,直到时机到来。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。
- The sun burst through after the clouds rolled away. 乌云滚滚而去后,太阳破云而出。
- The black clouds threatened rain. 乌云密布预示着将要下雨。
- The moon peeped out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层中隐现。