- Then gave a ser ies of the legislation suggestion to these problems. 建议正确定义国家机关工作人员,使之与其上位概念国家工作人员区别开来。
- Studying on the problems in the compensation of land expropriation in our country, the article analyses the reasons and puts forward legislative suggestions. 文章在研究现阶段征地补偿的现状基础上,从法律视角分析了征地补偿诸多问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的立法建议。
- This paper analyzed evidence ability and certificate strength of medical malpractice identification and put forward the related legislation suggestion. 分析论证我国的医疗鉴定结论证据能力与证明力,结合我国实际提出相关的立法完善建议。
- Studying on the problems in the compensation of land expropriation in our country,the article analyses the reasons and puts forward legislative suggestions. 文章在研究现阶段征地补偿的现状基础上,从法律视角分析了征地补偿诸多问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的立法建议。
- Then by comparing the different negative pledge clause legislations of England, Scotland, Canada and so on, the author proposes the legislative suggestion that our legal authorities should take when legislating negative pledge clauses. 然后,笔者着重分析了项目资产担保协议中的消极担保条款的效力,尤其是通过对英国、英格兰及加拿大等国关于消极担保条款的立法态度的比较分析,笔者得出了将来我国立法对消极担保条款的效力应该采取的态度和做法。
- Finally, the paper advances legislative consumption in detail to perfect the system of legitimate child"s renouncement in China and also concretely makes some legislative suggestions. 最后对完善我国婚生子女否认制度进行了立法上的具体设想,并提出了具体的立法建议。
- They greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision. 他们对他的建议报以一片嘲弄的喊叫声。
- Finally, the author intends to give a preliminary conclusion to several issues regarding compensations for divorcement mental damage, and tries to bring forward some legislative suggestions. 最后,笔者就离婚精神损害赔偿中若干问题进行初步探讨,同时尝试提出一些立法建议。
- At last, the article discusses the limitation of liability of Operators of Transport Terminals and the rights of noncontractual claim and correspond legislations suggestion is put forward. 最后,文章论述了港口经营人的责任限制问题及其在非合同索赔中的权利问题,并提出了相应立法建议。
- My idea is that we shall act on his suggestion. 我的意见是我们应当按照他的建议去办。
- A legislative assembly is being held. 一个有关立法的会议正在召开。
- His suggestion is that we shall learn from her. 他的建议是我们应当向她学习。
- Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。
- Could you enlarge upon your suggestion? 你能不能详细谈谈你的建议。
- Did she fall for the suggestion? 她喜欢这个提议吗?
- Most advertisements work through suggestion. 广告多通过启发人的联想力而发挥作用。
- I will suggest crispy fried duck. 我建议您点香酥鸭。
- Legislative Suggestion on Agent Right to the Daily Domestic Housework 夫妻日常家事代理权的立法构思
- We should adopt the consumers' suggestion. 我们应该接受用户的建议。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律