- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- Therefore, the government must create legislative measures to ensure that companies provide occupational security. 所以,国家要从立法方面,保证私营企业能够提供职业保障。
- This legal plunder may be only an isolated stain among the legislative measures of the people. 在被采取法律措施的人中,合法掠夺可能只是一个孤立的污点。
- "We need to come up with new administrative and legislative measures to restrict new car growth," Guo said. 郭表示:“我们需要与管理部门和立法机关共同出台新的措施来限制新车增长。”
- Constitutional review of legislative measures like duration extension--which attempt to keep us in the globalization race--is one important means of achieving that goal. 对立法措施的宪法审查是实现那个目标的重要方法,立法措施如保护期的延长问题,它的目的是使我们跟上全球化的步伐。
- The power or right to introduce a new legislative measure. 立法提案权采取一种新的立法措施的能力或权利。
- The Government will work with the industry and facilitate implementation of the recommendations through regulatory and legislative measures,as necessary,as quickly as possible. 政府会与业界通力合作,并会按需要透过监管及立法措施尽快落实有关建议。
- The Government will work with the industry and facilitate implementation of the recommendations through regulatory and legislative measures, as necessary, as quickly as possible. 政府会与业界通力合作,并会按需要透过监管及立法措施尽快落实有关建议。
- To use obstructionist tactics against(a legislative measure,for example). 阻碍通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)
- To use obstructionist tactics against(a legislative measure, for example. 阻碍通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)
- To use obstructionist tactics against(a legislative measure,for example. 阻碍通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)
- To use obstructionist tactics against(a legislative measure, for example). 阻碍通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)
- It highlighted the ambitious program undertaken simultaneously for comprehensive modernization of the IPOs to complement the legislative measures taken, as a strategic response to the present knowledge-based economy. 它强调了同时进行的使知识产权局全面现代化的宏伟计划,以补充已采取的立法措施,作为对当今知识经济的战略应对措施。
- In order to promote the development of bilingual education, Welsh government has taken a series of legislative measures and established a specialized organization, Welsh Language Board, which plays a critical role in pushing forward the program in Wales. 威尔士中小学的双语教育也在这一时期逐渐步入正轨。 威尔士政府为促进其双语教育,相继颁布了《威尔士语言法》、《教育改革法》等一系列法规,并以1993年新《威尔士语言法》为依据,成立了威尔士语言委员会,该组织在威尔士中小学双语教育的推行过程中,起着举足轻重的作用。
- To alter(a legislative measure,for example)formally by adding,deleting,or rephrasing. 修正,修订通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施)
- To alter(a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing. 修正,修订通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施)
- And the earnest sex of area policy, consistency and successional, need applies legislative measure to ensure. 而区域政策的严肃性、一贯性和连续性,需要运用立法手段来保障。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- A legislative assembly is being held. 一个有关立法的会议正在召开。