- It just costs25 Yen for e ach person. 届时光临的每位朋友,每位收费25元.
- Sammul and Kaki had filmed a scene together for E. 因世孝与柏翘之父李文升甚为相似,柏翘与立文不禁留下看事情的发展;
- Criminal legislation for drug control has improved step by step. 禁毒刑事立法逐步完善。
- It's impossible to legislate for every contingency. 为每一偶发事件都立法是不可能的。
- They want legislation for a minimum wage of HK$30 per hour. 他们要求政府立法制订最低工资不少于30元。
- A new book that is must reading; a list of must legislation for the session. 一本不可不读的新书;开庭不可缺少的立法一览表
- First, providing enabling legislation for this mandatory requirement. 首先,为此强制性规定提供立法赋予权力。
- The Network Bank should deal with the platform and the information security of e business to solve its security problem. 从网上银行运行的安全需求可以知道 ,非银行系统网站的网上银行应从它运行的网络平台和网上银行信息安全方面入手 ,设计安全运行的解决方案。
- Division I is an industrial coatings business to three major legislation for the sale of paint brands. 我司是一个提供工业涂料的企业,以三立涂料为主要的销售品牌。
- Most e-businesses fall short on at least one of these three Cs. 多数电子生意至少达不到三个C中的一个。
- LQ: Oh, that's wonderful. The E business is one of the key projects of the 11th Five Year Outline in our province. Thanks for your attention and welcome your colleague. 哦,太好了。电子商务项目是我省“十一五”规划重点项目。谢谢您的关注,并欢迎您的同事前来洽谈。
- Therefore, it is very urgent to legislate for the right of privacy. 因此,为隐私权立法刻不容缓。
- This paper discusses the huge impact of new information technologies on Enterprise Computing,such as Internet/Intranet architecture,e Business,RRP,etc. Then some strategies for information system planning of modern large companies are presented. 论述了当前的主流信息技术 ,如国际互连网 /企业内部网 (Internet/intranet)、电子商务 (e -Business)、企业资源规划 (ERP)等对企业计算 (EnterpriseComputing)发生的影响 ,以及现代大型企业在规划企业信息系统时可以采取的应对策略
- Subsidiary legislation for the registration of Chinese medicine practitioners was enacted in June 2000. 有关中医注册的附属法例于二零零零年六月制定。
- Further develop the legal environment for e: nsuring women's right to employment and other economic rights; and. 进一步发展确保妇女就业权和其它经济权利的法律环境。
- The Ways and Means made its first formal proposals on tax legislation for the current session of Congress. 课税委员会向议会的本届会议提出了第一套正式的税法提案。
- P arents are responsible for e nsuring that their children wear proper attire and are well groomed for the day. 家长有责任确保孩子穿着恰当校服。
- They would not dream of proposing such legislation for guns that fire real bullets. 他们绝不会想到要对射出真子弹的枪支提出这种建议。
- A development of Baroque, it will be found w co dgruous decoration for e baroque churches. 巴落克式样,它的发展被发现适合装饰成为巴洛克式的教会。
- The voters should petition the legislators for better mass transportation. 有权力的人应该向政治家请愿作更佳的大众意向的运输。