- Is it legally required to maintain a sick bay in the dormitory? 法规是否规定宿舍必需有医务室?
- Is it legally required to maintain a sick bay in the factory? 法规是否规定工厂必需有医务室?
- Although a FAI license was not legally required,she sought it anyways. 尽管FAI执照并非法律要求,但她仍然努力获取了。
- Although a FAI license was not legally required, she sought it anyways. 尽管这并非法律要求,但她仍然努力获取了。
- One is legally requir Marketing to act in the best interest and trust of a beneficiary or minor. 依法要求其为受益人或未成年人最佳利益和诚信行事的人士。
- Is it legally required for the factory to have a written employment agreement with every worker? 当地法规是否要求工厂必需与每位员工签订书面的雇佣合同?
- Is it legally required to post labor laws or have the labor law books kept in the factory for workers perusal? 当地法规是否要求工厂张贴出劳动法规或提供劳动手册供员工阅读?
- Even without oaths, Bush aides would be legally required to tell the truth to Congress. 既使不用发誓,布什的助手仍然会被合法地要求向国会澄清事件的真相。
- It says,US satellite manufacturers transferred missile design information and know-how to the PRC without obtaining the legally required licenses. 报告称,美国卫星制造商在未获得法定许可证的情况下,向中国转让了导弹设计方面的资料和技术技能。
- It says, US satellite manufacturers transferred missile design information and know-how to the PRC without obtaining the legally required licenses. 报告称,美国卫星制造商在未获得法定许可证的情况下,向中国转让了导弹设计方面的资料和技术技能。
- It is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens. 在法律上,要求所有青少年到学校读书,并不仅仅是为了孩子的工作前景。
- Yet it included a resolution on whether to hold such a vote (a legal requirement in many countries, though not in Luxembourg) into the agenda for the meeting. 同时,它还用大量篇幅来说明公司的策略以回应投资者和分析师的评论。
- ExxonMobil does not seek any sensitive information from visitors to our Site, unless legally required to do so, for example, in connection with recruiting or hiring. 埃克森美孚不向本网站访问者寻求任何敏感信息,除非法律要求如此;例如与招聘和聘用相关。
- It is a legal requirement for police officers to wear a badge. 警官佩戴警徽是一种法定要求。
- A: Insisting to behave under legal requirements and ethic standards. 坚持按法律要求和道德标准行事。
- Legal requirements that may be different in various countries or regions. 法律要求可能因国家或地区而异。
- They failed to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage. 他们没有遵守订婚的法定条件。
- Currently, only the European Union legally requires physicians referring patients for a radiologic examination to proide "sufficient medical data" to justify the exam. 目前,欧盟从法律上要求申请医师提供足够的医学资料证明检查的必要性。
- All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
- legally required audit; statutory audit 法定审计