- This entry in the Legal Theory Lexicon theory will examine the concept of legitimacy from various angles. 法理词典的这个条目将从多个角度检视“正当性”这个概念。
- As always, the Lexicon is aimed at law students, especially first-year law students, with an interest in legal theory. 一如既往,这个词典乃是为了初入法科门径,而又对法律理论抱有兴趣的初学者所编写。
- The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist( or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(者说是功利主义、利主义)在一定松散的关联。
- According to that, Autonomy as well as rights/ powers is rationality and reasonability in legal theory and practice. 据此,自治与自治权在理论与实践中得以周延。
- The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist (or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(或者说是功利主义、福利主义)存在一定松散的关联。
- These second order questions of normative legal theory are a subclass of the more general class of second order questions of moral and ethical theory. 这些规范法理论的二阶问题是更为一般的的道德与伦理理论的二阶问题的的子类。
- The ex post perspective in legal theory is also loosely connected with deontological approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的道义论分析路径存在一定松散的关联。
- His student days in court and to see all of Blackstone’s legal theory is not satisfied. 他对学生时代在法庭上目睹的一切及布莱克斯通的法学理论非常不满。
- After the downfall of his ideal,Plato developed his legal theory and came to the monism of law conception. 在政治实践受挫后,他又发展了自己的法律理论,走向了法律概念的一元论,提出了法治乌托邦的理论,最终实现了法律理论的转变。
- For this reason, I want to begin by explaining the issue in social theory that grounds my interest in legal theory. 基于这个原因,我想在一开始就来解释作为我法学兴趣基础的的社会学理论的问题。
- Legal Principle Theory has important status in Dworkin’s legal theory system, but his theory has some dificiencies. 法律原则理论在德沃金的法律理论体系中具有很重要的地位,但其理论也存在一些不足之处。
- As always, this entry in the Legal Theory Lexicon series is aimed at law students, especially first-year law students with an interest in legal theory. 一如既往,法理词典系列里面的这个条目是为了法科学子,尤其是那些初入门径而又对法理颇有兴趣者所编写的。
- On the one hand, he says he wants “someone who understands that justice isn't about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a casebook. 他一方面说他想要”一个懂得司法并不是抽象的法律理论或课本中的一个注释,而是我们的法律如何影响到人们日常生活的具体实际的人。”
- Of course, law must have basic characteristics of science, the construction of legal theory should be abstract, general, objective, testable and open. 当然,这也要求法学必须具有基本的科学特质,方法的科学性因之成为法学科学化的哲学基础。
- Mister Su Li, who propose the theory of native resources and concern to the actuality, break the silent and infuse the fresh vitality into the legal theory educational circles. 以苏力先生为代表的本土资源论者,以其对现实的强烈关切,打破了法理学界多年的沉寂,为其注入了新鲜的活力。
- But the content and structure of the dual-standard are turning to mobility, therefore the legitimacy of the dual-standard calls for a new legal theory to justify. 但近年来双重标准的内容结构正在转向缓和而具有流动性,由此双重标准的正当性必须借助新的法理构成来维护。
- Compared with medieval European taxation, Chinese taxation in the monarchical society was quite different in its foundation of legal theory as well as in its formation. 摘要中国皇权社会赋税制度与欧洲中世纪税制不仅在形态上、而且在法理基础上都有着很大的不同。
- S1-3:In legal theory, sociologists, lawyers, and philosophers disagree over the appropriate characterization of the relation between facticity and validity. 在法学理论当中,社会学家,律师和哲学家对于事实性和有效性之间的关系的恰当的特征有着争论。
- S1:Tossed to and fro between facticity and validity, political theory and legal theory today are disintegrating into camps that hardly have anything more to say to one another. 在事实性和有效性之间的这种来回折腾,使得政治理论和法律理论分成了两个阵营,并且之间几乎无话可说。
- Aim at current condition, lawyers of our country have already brought forward this problem along with legal theory basis and reality basis for a long time, and to which most hold affirmation opinion. 是否应当赋予律师刑事辩护豁免权,针对我国律师刑事辩护前景堪忧的状况,我国律师界和法学理论界早已提出这一问题,且大多持肯定意见。