- I will discuss his law-governing theory from two aspects:utilitarian surface and spirit surface.ang then discussing its sense,in order to inspirate our legal system reform nowsdays. 本文从商鞅变法这一历史事件谈起,从功利层面和法的精神层面深入分析商鞅的法治思想。并对它的意义进行评述,以作为今后我国法制建设的借鉴。
- Inspirations to Our Legal System Reform from SHANG Yang Reform 商鞅变法对我国法制改革的启示
- Several Problems of the Bankrupt Legal System Reform Builds and Constructing to Discuss--Enlightenment of AHM Scheme 破产法律制度改革建构若干问题的研讨--AHM方案的启示
- The Government gave (top) priority to reforming the legal system. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点。
- We should strengthen the legal system. 我们应加强法制。
- IV. To accelerate the educational system reform. 第四,加快教育体制改革。
- He developed a complete legal system. 他设想了一个完整的法律制度。
- China administrative system reform issue report II. 中国行政体制改革问题报告2。
- We must promote our democracy and our legal system. 民主要坚持下去,法制要坚持下去。
- Have you read the chapter on the legal system? 你读过论述法律制度的那一章吗?
- Their legal system parallels our own. 他们的法律制度与我们的相似。
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 与中国法律改革2。
- The Legal System of Governmental Procurement. 法律援助制度。
- Improve the socialist legal system. (二)加强社会主义法制建设。
- So it is evitable to study our university sci-tech system reform. 因此,对新时期我国大学科技体制改革与发展问题研究,是时代发展的必然要求。
- Scotland has its own legal system. 苏格兰拥有自己的司法体系。
- To the end of 2004, pilotage system reform is placed schedule. 至2004年底,引航体制改革被摆上议事日程。
- The legal system needs to be improved. 法律体系需要完善。
- S. legal system /edited by george clack. 书名/作者 Outline of the U.
- Modernization of Legal System:a Western spirit? 法制现代化:一个西方的“幽灵”?