- legal standard of value 法定价格
- Public benefit is the basic standard of value of economic law. 社会整体利益至上是经济法的基本价值取向。
- The concept of GNP is useless without a standard of value such as the dollar. 如果没有像美元之类的价值标准,那么国民生产总值这类概念就毫无用处。
- A divorce lawyer told me that paid sex doesn't even meet the legal standard of adultery or furin. 一名离婚律师告诉我说,买春甚至达不到通奸或不伦的法律标准。
- The legal standard of identifying a crime as negligent crime is whether it is prescribed by law. 将某种犯罪确定为过失犯罪的法定标准,是法律有文理规定。
- He would never base his standard of values on pure being. 他从不把他的价值标准建筑在纯粹的存在之上。
- The proof standard of public prosecution presents the legal standard that the accusatory proof has to conform to if the accusatory department determines to prosecute or carries through the established prosecution. 公诉的证明标准是指控诉机关决定提起公诉或者维持已经提起的公诉时,控诉证据必须达到的法定标准,是法律规定的运用证据证明待证事实所要达到的程度和要求。
- Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to probe into and reevaluate the standard of truth and of value from the whole process of the actual social activities by people. 所以,从现实的人的社会活动的完整过程出发,对真理与价值的标准问题进行现实性的探讨,其现实意义是不言而喻的。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- Storage is10% of value, so we scrapped the stock. 因仓储费是货物价值的10%, 所以我们就废弃了这批存货。
- But in many situations there is no reliable external standard of value, or the general standard is inappropriate to the precise circumstances of the parties. 但在多数情况下,一个可信赖的价值的外在标准是不存在的,对于当事人的准确情形而言一般标准也是不适当的。
- Hallmark:Symbol stamped on an item of silver or gold to indicate that it conforms to legal standards of purity. 金银纯度印记:打在金银件上,表明符合法定标准的符号或符号组。
- Something of value extorted in this manner. 勒索之物通过此种手段强取的有价值之物
- Prudent man always fits his standard of living to his budget. 谨慎的人总是使他的生活水平符合他的收支预算。
- Did the burglars take (ie steal) anything of value? 贼偷走什麽值钱的东西没有?
- A high standard of play marked the match between the two teams. 这两个队的比赛表现了很高的技术水平。
- Discuss on Legal Standard of False Advertisement 虚假广告认定标准浅析
- Her parents had,according to their lights,maintained their respective standards of value,whereas she had let hers down. 她的父母,按他们自己人的准则,保持了他们的人格,而她却放任自流了。
- The standard of value for dismantlement appraisal shall be the open market value, without considering the influences of such factors as the tenancy, mortgages and seizure of the houses, etc. 拆迁估价的价值标准为公开市场价值,不考虑房屋租赁、抵押、查封等因素的影响。
- A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion. 标准测量或判断的标谁; 标准