- The finalization of legal principles is to deal with the deficiency of law. 根据法律模式理论,法律原则的出现是为了应对法律的局限性。
- The case illustrate an interesting point of legal principle. 该案阐明了一个有趣的法律原则问题。
- But in times of crisis and legal rearrangements a normative justification for the basis of legal principles is called for. 但是,在危机和法律重组时期,就需要对法律原则的基础作规范性的辩护。
- The Inland Revenue Department handles the relevant cases according to general legal principles. 税务局是根据一般法律原则处理有关个案。
- It shows the coherence of legal principles, social morals as well as Zeitgeist, thus fetches out the objectivity of legal principles and its guidance quality. 法理原则、社会道德、时代精神三者的统一,彰显出法理的客观性和导向性。
- Chapter two:Analysis of the legal principle of asset "true sale". 第二章 对资产“真实出售”的法理问题进行了分析。
- Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle develops in these disputes. 德沃金法律原则理论正是在这些争论中得以发展。
- It is necessory to create Invalidation of Right Rule,basing on the character of uncertainty of the basic legal principles. 基于法律基本原则的不确定性(模糊性)特征,故设立权利失效原则实乃必要。
- This paper reevaluates the content of legal principles and fair principles in taxation from the view of "debt of the public law". 文章从“公法之债”的角度出发,重新审视了税收法定主义原则和税收公平主义原则的内涵。
- Criminal prosecutions are controlled by the Department of Justice free from any interference and in accordance with the established legal principles and declared policy. 刑事检控工作由律政司执行。检控工作根据既定的法律原则和既有的政策进行,不受任何干预。
- An issue that is within the province of the judge, as opposed to the jury, because it involves the application or interpretation of legal principles or statutes. 所谓法律问题,它属于法官的活动范畴,而不是陪审团的活动范畴。因为这涉及到法律的适用、法律法规的解释。
- In light of these,interpretational notions shall be stick to by torts law in respect of regulating method and room shall be left for application of legal principles. 基于此,侵权行为法在调整方式上要坚持解释论的理念,并为法律原则的适用留有空间。
- Chapter 2 is mainly consisted of the Moral Incorporation Thesis and the Sources Thesis that are respond to the Ronald Dworkin's attack on the separation thesis through legal principles theory and normative rules theory. 第二章的核心问题在于研究德沃金运用原则理论与规范规则对分离命题的挑战,以及实证主义对此的回应。
- First, it analyses the shortage of the present guideline, and then, expounds some legal principles about commercial transaction within affiliated enterprise that used in developed country such as America or Britain. 主要是对规制关联交易的一些思考。 首先分析了我国现行准则中存在的不足,然后阐述了英美等市场经济发达国家在关联交易问题上的一些法律原则,最后在这两者的基础上提出作者关于规制关联交易的一些思考,希望能以此为我国证券市场的规范发展提供一些有益的借鉴。
- You may travel or attain a higher education, deal with legal principles, teach a class dealing with religion or philosophy, and editorialize, promote, or bring understanding to difficult situations. 你可能会走向或得到关于法律原则的高等教育,讲授关于宗教或哲学的课,编辑,推销,或者对困难形势的理解力。
- The legal argumentation in the Judicature should be mainly involved in briefly applying the explicit rules(including legal principles) and the common logic reasoning, rather than pursuits “adequacy”. 司法中的法律论证,不应追求“充分”,而应保持细节明确的法律规定(包括法律原则)以及一般形式逻辑推理的简洁运用。
- So does from the angle of legal principle, no difference in applicable object between suspend judgment and probation. 从法理的角度对暂缓判决的适用对象进行分析,发现暂缓判决适用对象与缓刑的适用对象一致,两者产生竞合。
- In the frondose juridical practice, there are inspires of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle to our juridical judge. 德沃金的法律原则理论对我国的司法实践也具有一定的启示作用。
- Although Dworkin has innovative ideas to Theory of Legal Principle, his theory is liable to be ignorant usua1ly. 德沃金对法律原则理论有独到的见解,但其理论却易于被忽视。
- Our actions often negate our principles. 我们的行为时常与我们所信奉的原则背道而弛。