- If you commit an offence, you should bear the legal consequences. 一旦触犯法律,你应承担法律后果。
- The shame that he felt was nothing compared to the legal consequences of his actions. 他的羞耻感不足以弥补这件事所造成的法律后果。
- Manifestations of Violating Administrative Procedure and its Legal Consequences. 违反行政程序的表现形态及其法律后果。
- Suggests solution to the legal consequences caused by the flaws or bugs of the gifts. 并就赠品存有瑕疵或缺陷所引起的法律后果提出了可行的解决方式。
- Users are reminded that they will be held fully responsible for any legal consequences arising from copyright infringement. 使用者如侵犯版权法,须承担因此而引起的全部法律责任。
- Then it reconstructs the detailed affirmance measures and legal consequences of the invalid labor contract in our country. 在此基础上思考如何对无效劳动合同的规定进行梳理和整合。
- Some of these activities can also have legal consequences, such as if someone initiates sex without a bed partner’s consent, noted Schenck. 申克指出,有些这样的行动还会产生法律后果,比如:如果某人在未经同床睡伴同意的情况下向其发起性行动。
- The consequential offence is such a consummated act that the actor does not only put the action into practice in objective respect but also fulfills the legal consequences. 结果犯是行为人在客观方面不仅实施犯罪行为,而且还必须发生由此行为引起的法定犯罪结果才构成既遂的犯罪类型。
- The framework consists of basic principles of the system, characters of conciliations agreements, the sphere of application and the legal consequences of conciliation. 具体包括执行和解制度的基本原则、和解协议的特点、执行和解的适用范围及法律后果。
- I know employees who have been fired for sending abusive e-mails, or who have faced severe legal consequences for writing something they should have just said verbally. 据我了解,有的员工因在邮件中侮辱他人而遭解雇,有的员工则因写下本应通过口头表达的内容而面临严重的法律后果。
- The causes of that is unfavorable protection to the witness, disintegrated witness' rights, duties and responsibilities, indefinite legal consequences of witness' rejection. 其原因是对证人的保护不利,义务、责任相脱节,证人拒证的法律后果不明确。
- Would the managers as well as their staff and sales agents who helped them to promote their investment schemes be found to have contravened the Securities laws and suffer the legal consequences? 有许多读者都询问在临时暂停交易后进行的聆讯会产生什么结果,投资经理以及他们手下那些帮助其推销投资计划的员工和销售代理是否会被判违反了证券法,并为其行为付出代价呢?
- The consequential offense is such a consummated act that the actor does not only put the action into practice in objective respect but also fulfills the legal consequences caused by his action. 结果犯是行为人在客观方面不仅实犯罪行为,而且还必须发生由此行为引起的法定犯罪结果才构成既遂的犯罪。
- With his/her signature, the applicant certifies that he/she has been informed of the legal consequences of furnishing false or incomplete in formation in the course of visa proceedings. 即使申请人得到签证,也将被驱逐出德国。申请人的签字声明,他/她已被告知在申请签证过程中提供虚假或不完整情况的法律后果。
- There are two contents of legal consequences forecasting: One is the forecast of action legal consequence. 对公证法律后果预测的内容包括两个方面:一是行为法律后果的预测。
- Void trust is a kind of trust that has no legal consequence due to the lack of effective elements. 无效信托,是指已经成立但因欠缺信托的有效要件,因而不发生法律效力的信托。
- The legal consequence is that customers can enjoy the ownership of unedited photos because of the right of portrait. 其法律后果是顾客因肖像权而直接取得对婚纱照多余毛片的所有权。
- I'll bear full responsibility for the consequences. 我将对后果承担全部责任。
- If the found trust is confirmed to be void, the legal consequence should be determined by the cause of being void and its effect. 已成立的信托被确定无效后,其法律后果应视无效的原因以及所造成的结果而定。
- Let's enjoy ourselves and damn the consequences. 咱们不管三七二十一,且玩个儿痛快。