- To make valid or binding by a formal or legal act;ratify. 批准,认可通过正式或法律的行为使有效或有约束力;认可
- To make valid or binding by a formal or legal act; ratify. 批准,认可:通过正式或法律的行为使有效或有约束力;认可。
- In 19 century, the most splendid achievements in the modern civil law are the notion and the theory of the legal acts in Germany. 现代民法中的法律行为概念和系统的法律行为理论被认为是19世纪德国民法中最辉煌的成就。
- Within the scope of the mandate, the lawyer's procedural and legal acts shall have the same effect as those of the client. 律师在代理权限内的诉讼行为和法律行为,与委托人自已的诉讼行为和法律行为有同等效力。
- The trust supervisor has the right to institute an action or carry out other legal acts in his own name in order to protect the interests of the beneficiary. 第六十五条信托监察人有权以自己的名义,为维护受益人的利益,提起诉讼或者实施其他法律行为。
- The author thinks favor act is not a legal act, in fact, it should be negotiorum gestio act, a kind of real act. 本文认为,好意施惠行为不是法律行为,它应该属于事实行为中的无因管理行为,在特殊情况下,它还可能转化为侵权行为。
- The prior determinative force of administrative act refers to the ability of being deduced effective before the legitimacy of legal act is finally determined. 先定力是指法律行为在合法性尚未最终确定时被推定为有效的能力,它是法律行为主义调整方式所必需的程序规则。
- X League proposed legal act to protect women rights during maternity which was paradoxical in terms of feminist movement taking place later. X协会倡导用法律手段保护怀孕期间的妇女,这种荒谬的想法被后来的女权运动取代。
- Delisting system means the legal act de-listing the public corporation which has lost qualification in the stock market. 上市公司的退市制度是指通过法定程序将已经不符合上市条件的公司退出证券市场的法律行为。
- The people's court shall acknowledge the validity of legal acts, legal facts and documents that have been notarized through legal procedure , except those that can be overturned by counter-evidence. 经过法定程序公证证明的法律行为、法律事实和文书,人民法院应当作为认定事实的根据。但有相反证据足以推翻公证证明的除外。
- This chapter introduces the definition, characters of it, compares it with the valid legal acts, the invalid legal acts and the revocable legal acts, and states the meaning of it, based on the conclusions and summaries of the classic books. 此章在总结、概括各经典教科书基础上,介绍了效力未定法律行为的概念、性质、特点,并通过效力未定行为与有效法律行为、无效法律行为、可撤销法律行为等的比较,阐述效力未定法律行为的意义。
- Transaction security is deliberately founded to protect the reliance sense of transaction parties who believe that a legal act of transaction nature is valid. 交易安全旨在保护相信具有交易性质的法律行为成立并生效的交易主体的信赖。
- The intermediary is carries on the civil legal act for the trustee with the third person to report the information opportunity or provides the medium relation intermediate. 居间人是为委托人与第三人进行民事法律行为报告信息机会或提供媒介联系的中间人。
- In the early formalism Roman Law, the legal act must be conducted by the form, otherwise, it was illegal, so the form was important than the substance to the early Roman Law. 早期罗马法极重形式主义,凡为法律行为必依一定形式进行,否则不具法律效力。形式重于实质内容是早期罗马法形式主义的一个重要特征。
- Therefore, how to scientifically and efficiently regulate the legal act of FIMA and prevent the running off of state-owned property has become an urgent issue. 如何科学、高效的规制外资并购我国国有企业法律行为,防止国有资产流失,已是当务之急。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。
- Various matters related properties notarized instrument is the property management office to review the legality of legal acts authenticity of the properties proved effective. 有关的房产事项的各类公证文书,是房地产管理机关审查有关房产的法律行为合法性真实性的有效证明。
- The changeability and sociality of the legal action is the key of theoretical basis of legal act education, various kinds of education should be applied to educate the college students legal action. 法律行为的可变性和社会性是法律行为教育理论依据的关键,应采取多种方式加强对高校大学生法律行为的教育。
- She acts as a private secretary to him. 她担任他的私人秘书。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。