- During the year,it made suggestions on several aspects in the provision of legal aid services. 年内,法律援助服务局曾就法律援助服务提出多项建议。
- The Legal Aid Services Council is an independent statutory body established to advise the Chief Executive of the HKSAR on legal aid policies. 法律援助服务局是一个独立于政府的法定机构,负责就法律援助政策向香港特别行政区行政长官提供意见。
- The improvement measures have widened the scope of legal aid services and increased the number of persons who may be eligible for assistance. 这些改善措施扩阔了法律援助服务的涵盖范围,使更多人合资格获得法律援助。
- It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day to day operation. 该局也监察法律援助署提供的法律援助服务,但不干预该署的日常运作。
- It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day-to-day operation. 该局亦监察法律援助署提供的法律援助服务,但不干预该署的日常运作。
- However, feedback from this group of stakeholders is obviously important in reviewing legal aid services. 然而,此利益团体组别的意见,明显地对于法律援助服务的检讨十分重要。
- The financial statements of Legal Aid Services Council are prepared on an accrual basis. 法律援助服务局的财务报表以应计基础编制。
- Firstly, legal aid service is provided within a wider environment. 首先,法律援助是在广阔的社会环境中提供服务。
- Director of Audit conducted a value-for-money audit on provision of legal aid services. 审计署署长就提供法律援助服务的事宜进行衡工量值式审计。
- During the year, it made suggestions on several aspects in the provision of legal aid services. 年内,法律援助服务局曾就法律援助服务提出多项建议。
- The Legal Aid Department provides legal aid services to any person in Hong Kong,resident or non-resident,who satisfies the criteria for legal aid. 法律援助署为符合法律援助规定的人士,不论是否香港居民,提供法律援助服务。
- During the year,it continued to conduct reviews and offer suggestions on various aspects of legal aid services provided by the Legal Aid Department. 年内,该局继续检讨法律援助署提供法律援助服务的各个范畴,并且提出建议。
- In preparing the financial statements, the Legal Aid Services Council has to apply appropriate accounting policies consistently. 在编制财务报表时,法律援助服务局必须贯彻采用合适的会计政策。
- The purpose of the exercise was to explore how legal aid services might be more cost-effective, particularly when public funding was so tight. 此举的目的是在公帑非常紧张的情况下,研究提升法律援助服务成本效益的方法。
- Council recognizes that obtaining operational feedback from stakeholders will assist in the delivery of high quality and effective legal aid services. 本局意识到,收集利益团体的回应将有助提供高素质及有效的法律援助服务。
- Council valued the opportunity to meet the Panel which provided a useful forum for exchange of views on provision of legal aid services. 本局极重视与司法及法律事务委员会会面的机会,就提供法律援助服务的问题交换意见。
- As we were conscious of the need for new legal aid services, we were anxious to find ways and means to render existing services more effective. 由于本局察觉到社会上对新法律援助服务的需求殷切,故此极欲找出提高现有服务效率的途径及方法。
- Three reviews on the financial eligibility for legal aid services had also commenced and the Council would be consulted. 有关法律援助服务的经济资格的三项检讨已经展开,亦将谘询法援局。
- The LAD will take into account the suggestion in the context of the on-going review of the various aspects of legal aid services. 法援署日后继续检讨法律援助服务的各种问题时,会考虑上述建议。
- Hence the function of the Council in terms of supervising or overseeing the legal aid services by LAD is circumscribed by those provisions. 因此,本局在监察或监督法援署法援服务的职能便受到上述条文的限制。