- leg and arm dynamometer 腿及手臂测力计
- She curl up her leg and arms into a foetal position. 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢。
- She curls up her legs and arms into a foetal position. 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢。
- Notice how I'm wrapping the seperate wires for the arms to the main body wire and the bends I'm putting in the leg and arm wires. 如何通知我包裹电线分开为武器的主体,丝和弯位,我将在腿部和手臂的电线。
- You will never learn to swim properly while you throw legs and arms about . 你这样手脚乱蹬是决不会把游泳学好的。
- He broke a leg and was hospitalized for a month. 他摔断了一条腿,住院治疗一个月。
- Hand is smaller than foot, and arm is shorter than leg. 手比脚小,胳膊比腿短。
- He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch. 他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。
- To repair tom nerves in eight-month-old Rodfigo Cervantes Corona's left shoulder and arm, doctors took 3 ft. of neural tissue from his mother's legs and tracked it from the fight side of his body to his left hand. 为修复撕裂的神经,医生对8个月的罗德理戈 - 塞万提斯 - 科罗纳的左肩和左臂施行了神经移植术神经取自受者母亲腿上的3英尺长的神经组织。 手术是从男婴身体右侧铺向左手。
- Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall. 吉姆突然伸出一条腿将特德绊倒。
- You'll never learn to swim properly while you throw legs and arms about. 你这样手脚乱蹬是决不会把游泳学好的。
- The driver of the car received serious injuries to the legs and arms. 驾车者的双臂和双脚严重受伤。
- A stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms. 一种利用胳膊和腿拍打水面保持头浮在上面的方式。
- He had a wound on his leg and two more on his body. 他腿上有一处伤,身上有两处。
- He threw out a leg and made her fall. 他伸出一条腿把她绊倒了。
- Tuck the bandage gently around the hand and arm. 轻轻地绕过手和手臂折起三角巾。
- He was wounded in the leg and his head was hurt. 他腿受了伤,头部也受伤了。
- He has very thin legs and knobbly knees. 他腿很细,膝盖呈圆球状凸起。
- I've been sitting on my leg and now it's asleep. 我把腿坐麻了。
- Lobster has eight legs and two long claws. 龙虾有八条腿两条爪子。