- Our orders are to attack their left flank. 我们的命令是攻击他们的左翼。
- The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy. 战士们攻击敌人的左翼。
- The enemy attacked on the left flank. 敌人向左翼进攻。
- Their left flank was left in the air. 他们的左翼无掩护。
- The enemy attacked us on the left flank. 敌人由左翼攻击我们。
- Our orders are to attack their left flank . 我们的命令是攻击他们的左翼.
- Shore up that left flank and keep firing! 支援左翼,保持火力!
- Eomer , take your eored down the left flank . 伊欧墨,带着你的部队从左翼突破。
- The left flank remains practically unengaged. 左翼仍几乎未参战。
- Some of the troops were detached to guard the left flank. 有部分军队被派去守卫左翼。
- Our fusillades from the left flank caught them by surprise. 我们从左侧的枪炮齐射使他们吃惊。
- You are going to be the left flank when we have the battle. 这次进行战斗的时候,你将成为我们的左翼。
- The attack on our left flank had been several times repulsed. 拿破仑对我方左翼的进攻被打退了好几次。
- Uvarov's cavalry had sent the French flying from the left flank. 乌瓦罗夫的骑兵从左翼赶跑了法国人。
- The feint on the army's left flank was followed by a frontal attack. 先佯攻军队的左翼,紧接的是一个正面攻击。
- Evra has struck up a good partnership on the left flank with Cristiano Ronaldo. 埃夫拉在左路和罗纳尔多的配合很不错。
- British and Canadian beaches had become a solid Allied grip on the left flank. 英国以及加拿大负责的左侧海滩完全在盟军控制之下。
- I think Christian Manfredini will replace Cesar Aparecido on the left flank. 克里斯蒂安.;曼弗雷蒂尼将代替塞萨尔出任左边前卫。”
- During the march,we were attacked on our left flank,but they got no advantages. 行军途中;敌人向我们的 左翼发起了进攻;但是他 们没有占到便宜.
- After the destruction of the post you fall back onto the bridge and cover the road from above and my left flank. 端掉了哨所,你得回过头来向桥靠拢,从上面和我的左翼用火力封锁公路。