- left-hand drive (汽车的)左座驾驶
- 汽车的petrolic
- 他猛地一伸his hand,Silly Simon wants to catch a goldfish.
- 现代汽车的前身是不用马拉的,装有汽油发动机的车子。The precursor of the modern car was a horseless carriage with a petrol engine.
- 政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.
- 开汽车、 公共汽车或火车要用drive这个词.The person who drives a car, bus or train is the person in control of it.
- 在不好的路上猛开车很快就会对汽车的悬架系统造成不良的影响。Hard driving over had roads will soon tell upon the suspension of the car.
- 开汽车、公共汽车或火车要用drive这个词.The person who drives a car,bus or train is the person in control of it.
- "开发动机时,一定要使汽车的离合器处于空档位置。""When you start the engine, you must see to it that the car is in neutral."
- 我们等待下一班汽车的到来。We waited for the arrival of the next bus.
- 流感流行期间,火车和公共汽车的空气很快便爱到病毒污染。During an epidemic of influenza the air in trains and buses quickly becomes infected with germs.
- 我还欠着买汽车的钱。I still owe for my car.
- 四周全是以前撞毁的汽车的残骸。All around were the wrecks of previous crashes.
- 带汽车的乘客必须先上船.Passengers with cars must embark first.
- 汽车的前灯照射着前方远处的路面。The headlight of the car lit up the road far ahead.
- 汽车的排气系统出了故障。Something has gone wrong with the car's exhaust system.
- 谁是这辆汽车的合法主人?Who is the rightful owner of this car?
- 他被压在失事汽车的下面。He was pinned under the wrecked car.
- 他坐在汽车的前座。He sat in the front of the car.
- 你要是有辆汽车就不受火车和公共汽车的支配了。If you have a car you are independent of trains and buses.