- left upper extremity 左上极端
- Images 5, 6. The CT images at 37 weeks. Note absence of the inferior limbs, right upper extremity and left forearm. 图5、6、7、8、9孕37周时的CT图像。可看到胎儿下肢、右上肢和左前臂缺失。
- She had decreased hearing in her left ear, upper extremity tingling and numbness. 她的左耳听力下降,上肢刺痛和麻木。
- A case of infantile lobar emphysema (left upper lobe) is presented. 摘要本文报告一先天性肺叶气肿(左肺上叶)之病例,并引述文献记载略加讨论。
- These 3 patients all had anterior shoulder subluxation and greater proximal than distal upper extremity weakness. 本报告之改良式肩带设计分两部分(一)肩部以皮革固定并在前方加一楔状海绵作往后方之压迫。
- The sternoclavicular articulation is the only point at which the upper extremity is connected to the rest of the skeletal system. 胸锁关节是上肢与骨骼系统的其它部分相连接的唯一部位。
- Nerve transplantation and reconstruction surgery cannot improve the function of upper extremity immediately. 患者常并有上肢无力及肩关节脱臼。
- Study of compression therapy of post mastectomy upper extremity lymph edema in breast cancer. 乳腺癌术后上肢淋巴水肿的压力泵治疗研究
- Motor functions ,upper extremity Rom(range of motion) and arthrodynia were measured by the Fugl-Meyer assessment. 分别于发病一个月内、一个月后按医疗体操编排的动作进行训练 ,采用Fugl Meger评价法评定肢体运动功能、上肢关节疼痛、关节活动度。
- A 5-year-old girl sustained a blunt injury on left upper eyelid and thereafter a small nodule was developed over the lesion site. 摘要壹5岁女孩之左上眼睑于一年前受到撞击伤,而后在该处形成壹小结节,且在一年中逐渐变大。
- Result:Some of the gait parameter is evidently difference between normal person and upper extremity amputee. 结果:通过对手臂约束前后对比分析发现约束前后部分步态参数存在显著差异。
- Beebe, J., et al. Active Range of Motion Predicts Upper Extremity Function Three Months after Stroke. 节的主动活动范围,能够预测中风后3个月的上肢功能。(王熠钊、卫小梅译)
- This is a lobar pneumonia in which consolidation of the entire left upper lobe has occurred. 左肺上叶全部实变的大叶性肺炎。
- Conclusion 16-slice Spiral CT Angiography in upper extremity is an accurate and non-invasive angiographic technique. 结论16排CT上肢血管成像是一项高度准确的成像技术和非侵袭性检查方法。
- Kuching from the other angle. The building on the hill top at left upper corner is the Kuching North City Hall (Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara - DBKU). 从另一个角度看古晋。左上角山顶上那个建筑物就是古晋北市市政局了。
- From March 2000 to February 2003, two cases of synovial sarcoma of the upper extremity were treated, one proximate to the wrist and the other close to the elbow. 从2000年3月至2003年2月,本院整形外科共治疗二例上肢之滑液膜恶性肉瘤的患者,分别发生于腕部及肘部。
- Results: 8 of 15 patients were located in right hilum, 3 in left hilum, 2 in right upper lung and left upper lung respectively. 结果:15例病人中有8例位于右肺门,3例位于左肺门,右上肺和左上肺各2例。
- This is a study to examine the reliability and validity of a revised Douglas Carroll Upper Extremity Function Test (UEFT). 研究将Douglas Carroll UEFT进行修订并进行信度和效度检验.
- Herein, we report on an 82 year-old male, who had massive hemoptysis due to the rupture of a tuberculous aneurysm into the left upper lobe of the lung. 在此我们报告一82岁男性,因结核菌感染造成假性动脉瘤并且侵犯至左肺上叶,以致大量咳血送医.这位病人在接受成功的外科切除及修复手术后平安出院,经过追踪24个月后情况良好。
- Alone in the upper extremity are more rare, and involved such large abdominal aortic vascular and heart, brain, kidney and other parts were rare. 单独发生在上肢者较为少见,而累及腹主动脉等大血管及心、脑、肾等部位者少见。