- The left pulmonary veins drained into the hemiazygous and azygous veins and eventually into the superior vena cava. 而其左肺静脉则注入奇静脉系统最后回流至右上腔静脉。
- Their left pulmonary veins opened by way of a vertical vein into the innominate vein and right pulmonary veins opened into the enlarged coronary sinus. 两患儿左肺静脉通过垂直静脉流入无名静脉,右肺静脉回流至冠状静脉窦。
- Surgical treatment with pericardial patch venoplasty of the left pulmonary veins and closure of the atrial septal defect successfully released the pulmonary venous obstruction. 本篇报告一例男婴,患有心房中隔缺损自六个月大即发生反覆性的呼吸道感染,七个月大经心导管诊断左侧上,下肺静脉狭窄。
- On the sections of 27 cadavers (61.4%), left pulmonary artery and anterior segmental artery which together like a fishhook drew left superior pulmonary vein. 在27例(61.;4%25)断层标本上,左肺动脉与前段动脉一起呈“鱼钩”状勾绕左上肺静脉。
- In 18 cases with cancer of 8cm and bigger in diameter,4 lymph node involvement (22%)around left pulmonary vein, 18 nodal involvement( 100%) at left gastric artery, 16(88%)at trachea carina and 1 at left pulmonary artery were found. 8cm以上病例18例;其中左下肺静脉淋巴结4例(22%25)有转移;胃左淋巴结18例(100%25)有转移;气管隆突淋巴结16例(88%25)有转移.;左肺动脉淋巴结1例(5
- left pulmonary veins 左肺静脉
- left pulmonary vein 左肺静脉
- Inferior left pulmonary vein 左肺下静脉
- superior left pulmonary vein 左上肺静脉
- Left ventricular failure results in distention of the left atrium, engorgement of the pulmonary veins. 左心室衰竭导致左心房扩张,肺静脉充盈。
- All veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood. 除了肺静脉以外,所有静脉输送的都是二氧化碳血。
- The expression of CaV1.2 and ERG mRNA in cardiomyocytes of canine left superior pulmonary veins versus left atrium. CaV1.;2和ERGmRNA在犬左上肺静脉肌袖和左房的表达
- Raw data can be processed to create anatomic maps of the left atrium and pulmonary veins. 原始数据可以用来创建左心房和肺部纹理的解剖图。
- Researches have proved that the area between left atrium and pulmonary veins can provide the basis for reentry and that the electric activity of pulmonary veins during the ... 基于此,作者提出心房颤动维持的“肺静脉-左心房折返”假说,并阐述了其理论基础与意义。
- Observations during ablative encircling of pulmonary vein vestibules. 肺静脉口外环形消融的临床观察。
- Proximal interruption of the right or left pulmonary artery is a rare anomaly, which may be accompanied by cardiovascular anomalies. 从右侧或左侧肺动脉近端中断是罕见的先天异常,而且可能会合并其他的心血管异常。
- Four patients with paroxysmal AF and normal heart underwent RF catheter ablation in left and right pulmonary veins and upper portion of cristal terminalis respectively under ICE. 选择4例阵发性房颤而无器质性心脏病的患者,在ICE指导下根据电生理检查的定位结果分别在左房的左上肺静脉、右上肺静脉及右房终末嵴上部进行射频消融。
- The blood flows in the pulmonary artery which rises over the front of the atria and divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. 血液流入肺动脉,肺动脉于心房前方上行,并分为右肺动脉和左肺动脉。
- On the section through left superior lobar bronchus, left superior lobar bronchus lay in the center.Before it, anterior segmental vein converged into left superior pulmonary vein. 在左肺上叶支气管层面上,左肺上叶支气管居中,其前方,前段静脉汇入左上肺静脉;
- Methods4 cases of congenital pulmonary vein stenosis were analyzed by the colour Doppler echocardiogram. 方法对4例先天性肺静脉狭窄患者的彩色多普勒超声心动图检测结果进行分析。