- left eye upper lid 左上眼睑
- Upper lid coloboma and downward displacement of the eyeball were also noted in the left eye. 电脑断层显示左眼巩膜后内侧有一钙化块连至眼眶及左脑颞叶退化;
- upper lid, left eye 左上眼睑
- He had a bruise just below his left eye. 他有个伤疤正好在他左眼的下侧。
- He had not lost the eye, but the upper lid was neatly sliced. 他保住了眼睛,但上眼睑几乎被切掉了。
- E. Observe parallel eye movement, position of upper lid in relation to iris, and presence of nystagmus. 观察眼睛平行运动、上眼睑与虹膜对比位置和眼震。
- Figure 5. Preoperative double upper lid with moderate epicanthus. 图3。双侧单睑,中度内眦赘皮,术前。
- He struck the boy under the left eye. 他一拳打在男孩左眼下边。
- I've got a speck in my left eye. 我左眼里掉进一颗灰尘。
- Upper lid entropion involves the eyelashes rubbing on the eye, but the lower lid usually has no eyelashes, so hair rubs on the eye. 上眼睑内翻导致睫毛摩擦眼球,而下眼睑通常没有睫毛,因此下眼睑内翻引起毛发摩擦眼球。
- My dog is blind in her left eye. 我的狗左眼失明了。
- Using kohl end of Bronze Dusk Effortless Eye Pencil, line upper lid and then smudge kohl from centre to outer corner of eye. 面颊:在颧骨至太阳穴位置用亮棕色(7761)胭脂,令面部泛起自然光泽。唇:涂上蜜枣色彩润唇膏(1033)。
- He had a bruise just below his left eye . 他有个伤疤正好在他左眼的下侧。
- If something gets into your eyes, you may lift the upper lid gently. 如果有什么东西进入你的眼睛,你可以轻轻把上眼皮揭起来。
- Your left eye,@ answered the elf. 小仙人回答说:“你的左眼。”
- There is another sapphire in my left eye. 我左眼还有一颗蓝宝石。
- She has a twitch in her left eye. 她左眼跳了一下。
- He sees poorly with his left eye. 他的左眼视力不好。
- His left eye is sensible to light. 他的左眼对光线有所感觉。
- Purpose: To report a case of bilateral upper lid lash loss caused by trichotillomania. 摘要目的:报告一因罹患拔毛症而导致两眼上眼睑睫毛缺失的病例。