- left curly brace 左大括号,符号:{
- Always use a curly brace scope in an if statement, even if it conditions a single statement. if语句总是使用括号,即使它包含一句语句。
- Parenthesis Matching: % Takes you to the matching parenthesis, curly brace, or bracket, depending on what you are on. This always comes in handy as a quick double-check. 括号匹配:%25可以让光标从它当前所在的括号跳转到与它相匹配的括号上去,对花括号和圆括号,方括号都有效,常用于手工检查括号是否匹对。
- Most scopes in C++ are delimited by curly braces. 语言中,大多数作用域是用花括号来界定的。
- You can use curly braces to specify query expressions. 可以使用大括号指定查询表达式。
- In C,C++,and Java,scope is determined by the placement of curly braces {}. 在C,C++和Java里,作用域是由花括号的位置决定的。
- In C, C++, and Java, scope is determined by the placement of curly braces {}. 在C,C++和Java里,作用域是由花括号的位置决定的。
- A compound statement that uses curly braces to mark a block of code, such as a conditional test or loop, does not need a semicolon after a closing brace. 它是这个语言最低级的语法,指定变量名外表特征如何、使用什么字符来注释、如何把每个程序指令分隔开等等诸如此类的事情。
- Curly braces are used to group words together into a single argument. 大括号用于把若干个字组合成一个意思。
- Enclose the variable name in curly braces if you want to explicitly specify the end of the name. 如果想明示指定名字的结束,用花括号把变量名括起来。
- The expressions in the curly braces are replaced by the result of its evaluation. 大括号中的表达式替换为其计算结果。
- In addition, statements can be grouped into a statement-group by encapsulating a group of statements with curly braces. 此外,还可以用花括号将一组语句封装成一个语句组。
- You are strongly encouraged to always use curly braces even in situations where they are technically optional. 强烈建议你总是使用花括号,甚至在他们在技术上可有可无的情况下。
- Even more strangely, this arrangement actually seems to work, and beginning programmers find it easier to use than curly braces to indicate structure. 更为奇怪的是,这种安排实际上很好用,刚开始编程的程序员发现,这要比用花括号来说明结构要容易。
- This is a special pattern that lets you specify the network part of the address and a list of host addresses in curly braces. 这是一种特殊模式,允许指定地址的网络部分和以大括号扩住的主机地址列表。
- This is denoted in a state transition table by a pair of curly braces { } with the set of all target states between them. 这在状态转移表中指示为一对花括号包围的所有目标状态的集合。
- A compound statement , usually referred to as a block , is a (possibly empty) sequence of statements surrounded by a pair of curly braces. 复合语句,通常被称为块,是用一对花括号括起来的语句序列(也可能是空的)。
- He left his job largely because he was homesick. 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。
- We can give the same linkage to several functions at once by enclosing their declarations inside curly braces following the linkage directive. 通过将几个函数的声明放在跟在链接指示之后的花括号内部,可以给它们设定相同的链接。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。