- Warren: Is Contemporary Philosophy a lecture course? 现代哲学是演讲课吗?
- A graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course. 教授的部分讲座课程由研究生讲授。
- Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aids to the student who is enrolled in a lecture course. 学生听课时,如能记下正确而笔迹清楚的笔记,那将非常有用。
- When the couple hundred students in my applied psychology lecture course each kept time diaries for several days, many of their diaries looked like elaborate drill routines. 在我的应用心理学课上,有几百名学生每个人都带着个记事本,很多人的记事本上所记录的似乎都是详细的训练日程安排。
- The site comprises a series of overheads used in the lecture course and covers: general characteristics of deserts;types of deserts;and erosional and depositional features of desert landscapes. 该站点包含了许多文章的标题列表,内容包括沙漠一般特征、沙漠类型、沙漠景观侵蚀和沉积特征等。
- In my four years at university I was enrolled continuously in lecture courses on archaeology. 大学四年我一直选修历史系的考古讲座。
- And finally he conducted a number of lecture courses which spread the Athenian ideas of justice and righteousness far beyond the confines of Attica. 最后他开了许多课,使雅典人公正和正义的主张越过希腊国界,流传四海。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。
- Quite a few people came to the lecture. 有相当多的人来听讲。
- The lecture is to be delivered at the hall. 演讲将在大厅进行。
- How can he give us such a tedious lecture. 他怎么能做这么沉闷乏味的演讲。
- He wormed out of giving a lecture that afternoon. 那天下午他把做讲座的差事推卸掉了。
- Reflection of Teaching Reform of Test Lecture Course in Teachers'College 对高师试讲课程教学改革的思考
- Is he going to lecture in English? 他准备用英语讲课吗?
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- He was excused from attendance at the lecture. 他获准可以不去听讲。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他继续学习笔记进修课程。
- Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre. 教授在课下大都很随便。
- His lecture ranged over a variety of topics. 他的演讲涉及到很多论题。